Monday, October 1, 2012

Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux and photos of her dog "Tom"

Picture source

 Today is the feast of St. Therese, the Little Flower or St. Therese of the Child Jesus. She taught us how to become saints becoming little. Her spiritual childhood method of sanctity was for her an easy way of attaining Heaven. A simple way yet it was through that little way that she was named a doctor of the Church.

Apparently, her family had a beloved pet dog named "Tom".  And thanks to a very good friend of this blog we can enjoy the following:


Picture source: Make sure to click here to see more photos of St. Therese

St. Therese's sister Celine with "Tom"

Picture source Again, be sure to click the link for more photos
Martin Family with "Tom"
Picture source

Reliquary of St. Therese's parents Louis and Zelie Martin. You will see a depiction of "Tom" on the reliquary. Happy Feast of St. Therese!

 Remember, if you pray for her intercession (and that includes praying for our pets) she will let you know God will be answering your prayers by sending you a rose from heaven.


Mary N. said...

Wow! I didn't realize St. Therese's family had a dog! Great pictures!

EC Gefroh said...

Me neither Mary!! :-)