Monday, October 29, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request for Ben the Cat

From Heidi on Facebook:
PLEASE we NEED your support and Prayers! MY Ben cat and I go to our own vet at 11:20 Pacific time to see if he does have lymphoma or this regurgitating is just IBD. PLEASE won't you all Pray Ben does NOT have cancer of any type! He is my SPECIAL fella and I need him desperately!


TimberLove said...

All our prayers,

Anonymous said...

For precious Ben, Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Jude, St. Gertrude, St. Francis, please lay your healing touch upon dear Ben. Please let all the testing reveal no malignant findings, and allow whatever is troubling him to be successfully treated with a return to good health.
May your holy angels be present to Heidi, as well as this very difficult time.
God Bless your Ben, and many prayers are on the way!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please watch over much loved Ben kitty who is going to the veterinarian. Keep Ben safe and please let his test results come back showing no cancer of any kind. Let his illness be something simple to fix. Guide and direct the veterinarian that is caring for Ben.

Thoughts and prayers are with you Heidi and Ben, God bless you.