Friday, August 3, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request for Sunderland the Dog

From Holly, one of our prayer warriors:

My sister-in-law, Shawn, sent me this message and I'd like you to add it to you "Prayers for Pets" blog.
Shawn provides a wonderful service fostering dogs. Please add this to your wonderful prayer blog.
As you can see, both the dog and these families could use our prayers!


My heart is heavy tonight and I ask for prayers from each of you.
One of the dogs that I fostered, Sunderland, was going to be returned to me tonight from a couple in Chicago that adopted her in May This dog needs a strong leader in order to feel safe and secure. She is exhibiting bad/poor behavior because she is scared. I got a call while I was in route to meet them halfway, that they just can't turn her back over because it's too hard on them. Please pray that they come to the right decision, not for them and their feelings, but for this poor dog. If they think it's hard on them, trying walking in her paws for even an hour and then let's talk. Prayers and positive energy to this couple to do the right thing and return her to me for rehabilitation! AMEN.


Anonymous said...

My prayers are on the way for dear Sunderland . . . . my heart breaks for Sunderland and for Shawn in this position, and for all precious four-legged friends in this position, too.
St. Francis, St. Roch, St. Jude, and St. Anthony, St. Martin . . . please please intercede on behalf of Sunderland . . . please help this family to understand that this is about Sunderland and her needs and personality, please let them do the right thing; and God Bless Shawn for who she is and all she does for these precious ones.
God Bless Sunderland and may the Saints and Angels be present with her to calm and comfort her at this very difficult time.

kristina said...

Praying for Sunderland, Holly and everyone to hep Sunderland. He sounds like such a treasure and is blessed to have such a caring person in his life. God bless all during this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

May the Good Lord guide and direct everyone to make the best choice for Sunderland.

Anonymous said...

lord please help Sunderland at this very diffuclt time and help the people that have make the right choice to bring him home
are prayers are with you