Monday, August 20, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request for Sherman the Cat

From Maggie:
It filled my heart with joy to read of the prayer requests on the Prayers for Our Pets website. Could I please ask a favor of you? Could you please pray for the safe return of our cat, Sherman? We adopted him from a shelter only 7 weeks ago and are heartbroken as he is now missing. We live in an area full of raccoons, alligators, bobcats and more, and my heart aches to think this little boy might be suffering or worse. He had been homeless his whole life (3 years) and we were working so hard to give him a life he never had --- only to have that snatched away, too. My heart is broken in two and I need to find closure --- either to know he's with a new family, or at the Rainbow Bridge, or scared and hiding out somewhere. My husband and I have looked all over our neighborhood, talked to neighbors, posted flyers, baited a trap with tuna -- so far no results. Any prayers you could send his way would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for reading this and responding to the needs of a stranger who is feeling so much hurt, guilt, sorrow, frustration and heartache that she wants to die herself. God Bless You,


Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please keep Sherman, a much loved and missed kitty, safe and well and guide him home to Maggie.
Please hold Maggie and Sherman in Your comforting and loving embrace; thank You.

TimberLove said...

For Sherman, and all lost and homeless animals, LORD hear our prayer,

kristina said...

Praying for you, Maggie and of course, Sherman. I pray that the Good Shepard will reunite you two and that you both have peace.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Maggie . . . I am so very glad that you found Esther's most special site here and as you can already see prayers have already been started for your precious Sherman, for his safe return, and for you, too.
You needn't feel a stranger here, Maggie, please consider yourself among friends who care - for both your Sherman, and for you. I feel your heartache and your pain, Maggie, but please don't you give up. I understand your fear, the desperation, and sorrow, but you are such a beautiful loving person and God will bring you through this. I know it can feel impossible at times.
I was actually late being able to check in but my prayers are joining those of the many other prayer warriors already praying.
Holy St. Anthony, St. Jude, St. Gertrude, St. Francis, St. Martin - please please intercede for precious Sherman, and for Maggie and her husband who love him so.
Please watch over and protect him, and guide him safely home to Maggie's loving arms.
This is good - you've got the flyers and postings out, and have you contacted local shelters to let them know as well?
Maggie, may you feel God's holy angels present with you this very night/day, and please know you are no stranger here with us.
Our prayers are with you and Sherman.