Friday, August 10, 2012

Update on Spike the Cat

From Jenny:
Have some results for Spike. Mainly thyroid is very low which indicates an underlying illness. Usually when this is investigated further it means a tumor. Kidneys are fine. Liver is a bit low. So she more than likely has a tumor in her airways or lungs and I need to monitor her. White blood cells showed no infection anywhere. Will keep her on steroids for now. Thank you for your support Regards


Anonymous said...

Jenny, the prayers continue for your special boy, Spike. Thank you for updating us, I have truly been thinking of you and Spike.
Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Gertrude, St. Francis, and St. Jude, please lay your healing hands upon dear Spike, please comfort and heal him and resolve any underlying issues; restore his health.
Jenny, please give that special boy a pet or little kiss from this prayer warrior! God Bless and keep you, too!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please continue to hold oldtimer Spike the cat in your comforting embrace and ease his breathing; thank You.