Thursday, August 23, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request for Stash the Cat

From Karen on Facebook:
Please Pray for My cat STASH , he had surgery today and is NOT doing well tonight , he`s in alot of pain ..has me wondering , Did I do the right thing, by choosing surgery ?


Anonymous said...

Karen, hang in there. You and Stash will be in my prayer tonight as I say a prayer for my 4-legged girl, Meili, who had a surgery this morning and is staying overnight at the Vet's clinic. I know that we love our pets so much that we'd do everything in our power to help them when they have health issues. God bless!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please hold Stash, a much loved kitty in your comforting, healing embrace. Ease any pain Stash is having and strengthen him and return him to wellness please; thank You.

Thoughts and prayers are with you, Karen and your much loved kitty.

Karen D. said...

Thank You so much as I will be praying for Meili and her quick and safe recovery. Stash is an indoor/outdoor cat 18mo blk & white male. He was climbing back under our fence when a dog attacked him from behind doing terrible damage to his butt area and hind legs. After 4hrs of reconstructive surgery and a night at the vet clinic last night was his first night home and he cried and meowed all night long.Makeing me wonder did I have his surgery done for my selfishness as I refuse to lose this beautiful loving part of my family, but we love him so much it`s killin me to see him in so much pain...questions, questions ?? Thank you so much for caring and your reply ♥ said...

WoW! Thank you very much for that enlightening article.

Anonymous said...

Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Gertrude, St. Jude, St. Francis . . . please take precious Stash into your healing and comforting embrace. He has been through so much and is very uncomfortable. Please help ease his discomfort, fear, and pain that he might rest comfortably, strength be restored, and healing begin.
Karen, you hang in there, hugs and prayers are on the way for you and Stash.
He most likely is uncomfortable and perhaps also having a post-traumatic reaction to his trauma and the surgery . . . . perhaps the vet might want to increase pain medication or offer some additional suggestions to help??
Positive healing energies and prayers on the way.