Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sad News: Prayer Request for Sumi the Bunny's Family

From Tara:
You may remember me from October of last year, when I asked for prayer requests regarding the death of my dog Moses. I must ask again for more prayers for my family and I as today we sadly buried our sweet rabbit, Sumi. We believe she was attacked by a cat, as there are a lot of strays that wander our neighborhood. It was very unexpected and because of the gruesome nature of Sumi's death, many of us are taking it very hard. She was the smartest and sweetest bunny we've ever owned. I thank all of the prayer warriors for what they're doing, it means more to us than anyone could express. May God bless you all and our special animal family. In Christ,
Please keep Tara's family in your prayers as they grieve over the sudden and violent death of their beloved pet.


kit said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. So sad...Sending hugs and prayers to your family.

God Bless!

kristina said...

I'm so sorry Tara and family. Obviously, Sumi was blessed with such loving guardians and now is blessed with God's protection with all the beloved animals.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your bunny, Sumi. May the Good Lord wrap his comforting arms around you, Tara and your family as you mourn the loss of Sumi. God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

So very very sorry to hear this tragic news of dear Sumi . . . so very sorry and I share your pain at this very difficult time. Hugs to you and be assured of my many prayers.
God Bless dear Sumi and may she know every joy of Heaven, and may Perpetual Light shine upon her.
Sumi especially knew all your love for her.
My heart hurts for each of you having to experience this. God Bless each of you and hold you in His loving arms.