Monday, August 6, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request for Pet Kitten and her Owner

From Renee on Facebook:
I am asking desperately for my prayers to be heard. Recently I lost a beloved cat, and a kitten who was very close to him became ill.They say its a depression but I think it is more. I have been praying to St Francis, Padre Pio everynight. Please hear our prayers and others, we need hope and we need our babies to be ok. My heart is so broken I dont know what to do anymore. And what makes me sick is we dont have the money if she needed medical care. I feel guilty and horrible because of that. I need a lil miracle.


Stacy said...

Please pray for my cat Abby. She's been missing for 2 months now, I think she may have been chased away by our neighbors dog & she is unable to find her way home. Please pray for her safe return ... we have to move soon and I can't think about her without crying. Thank you. :'(

Anonymous said...

Please pray for my black cat, Abby. She has been missing for 2 months now. She may have been chased out of our property by our neighbor's dog. Please pray that she will return safe before we have to move, or at least, that someone will turn her in to a local shelter so that she can be scanned for her microchip. I am heartbroken.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please hold Renee and her kitties in Your Comforting, Healing Embrace and have all be well with them; thank You.

EC Gefroh said...

Stacy, an urgent prayer request was posted. We are praying!

Mahalo for the prayers!

Christina said...

Prayers, so many prayers being sent for Renee's kitties and for Stacy's kitty. Dear Lord, please watch over these beloved creatures who are so much more than just companions. You have brought them into our lives as special family, givers of unconditional love, without a doubt a shining example of Your own love for us. We ask you to heal the sick, bring the lost safely home, and in the end reunite us with them so we may share the delights of the heavenly banquet where sweet paws are always allowed on the table. Amen.

Anonymous said...

For Renee's precious kitten friend, Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Gertrude, St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Francis, and Padre Pio, please please intercede as you so especially do for this special kitten and for Renee. Please take this kitten into your healing comforting embrace, restore the kitten's health and well being, and please bless Renee and her family.
Also, please bless the Soul of Renee's beloved cat who had already crossed the bridge, may Perpetual Light shine upon him, and he know every joy of Heaven.
Renee, please do not feel guilty or horrible. You are doing the very best that you can do and the Saints, Blessed Ones, and angels will guide you, please hang in there, and know that many prayers are headed your way. Hugs and prayers to you.

Renee Clark said...

hi everyone, thank you for your prayers and support. my bella died today in my arms at the vet, she was 8mos old and had massive tumor on her lungs. i wish you all hope and that you will not go through the pain we are today. god bless you all and your babies.