Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request for Norton the Dog

From Mary on Facebook:
Please help, would you please request prayers for our little beagle Norton? He was hit by a car yesterday and is trying his best to hang in there, but little complications keep popping up making his recovery very difficult. I know once he is home in our loving arms we can help him heal... we just need him to get well enough to come home.


Jennifer Davies said...

Norton's Most Recent Update:

So they were able to put his bone back into his hip, but when they went to move him to the x-ray it popped out again. She's worried that if it pops out again or if he takes a fall and it pops out he will need surgery. X-ray showed fractures on his hip and pelvis but can only heal with time and rest. Urine looks like coffee because there is so much blood in there so they're going to keep giving him fluids to try and flush it all out. Road rash is really bad. He has it all across his whole hind side and legs and back, they had to shave both legs and around his back to bandage it up. Some of his skin is already dead and is falling off creating open wounds. They are cleaning and flushing them out as much as they can. Hoping and praying he will stay strong and make it through this. Your prayers are and will be much appreciated. Thanks.

TimberLove said...

all our prayers for your baby,

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayer for healing and strength are with your precious dog Norton.

Jennifer Davies said...

Norton Update:

He made it through the night! His leg bone didn't pop out and is stable. He is in quite a bit of pain and his other leg is still iffy with the skin coming off and making an open wound. He was able to start eating though and his urine has cleared up so that is great news! He is going to stay the night there again tonight, the Dr. thinks it's best to be safe than sorry and make sure he is in the best condition to be able to come home, so hopefully tomorrow we will be able to see him. We will have to get a kennel for him to be in for a few weeks as he will be unable to move or walk. Gonna have to use a strap to hold his belly up to bring him potty outside. All things considering I am so happy he has made it through this so far. Thank you so much for the prayers and thoughts, they are working and he's getting better everyday. ♥

EC Gefroh said...

We continue to pray for Norton.