Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Prayer Request for Panther the Cat

From Heidi:
I recently asked Prayers for Kotton and she seems to be on the meds but NOW my Panther BABY boy is sick! He is doing the same as Kotton = hiding and not eating. WE are going for a blood test Thursday at 9 AM pacific time. this boy is NEVER sick and like Kotton he LOVES food. PLEASE will you Pray for HIM so we get good news from the bloodtest and he will be OK! I have never been owned by a more loving baby than my Prince Charming Panther is! He DESERVES to live HEALTHY and HAPPY for years with Me and his "brother' Ben and "Sister" Kotton - We LOVE HIM!


kristina said...

Prayers that all of Heidi's and God's loving creatures will soon be well.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please watch over Heidi's kitties, Kotton and Panther. Keep them safe and return them to wellness please; thank You.

Anonymous said...

For Heidi's Panther . . . Blessed Francis Seelos please take dear Panther into your healing embrace. Comfort him and heal whatever may be disturbing his system. Please guide his veterinary team to help in determining what may have caused Kotton and Panther's recent ills. God Bless all Heidi's precious feline friends.