Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sad News - Taz the Dog and Prayer Request for Owner Sherri

From Mary Beth on Facebook:
Please pray for my friend, Sherri. She had to have her beloved pekingese, Taz, put down. Taz was 17 and had a very good life but she is grieving. You never get use to this. She needs prayer for healing her broken heart.


kristina said...

Prayers for Taz and his devoted guardian, Sherri. They were so blessed to have each other.

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers for Sherri as she mourns the loss of her much loved Taz; how wonderful to be blessed for 17 years and so sorry to hear of her loss. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

God Bless sweet Taz and may he know every joy of Heaven and perpetual light shine upon him.
Sherri, I am so very sorry and can only imagine how broken and shattered your heart must be having to say goodbye to your dear friend of 17 years, but Sherri please know that Taz will stay with you in his own special way. It sounds to me like you two were soulmates and soulmates are never separated. Sometimes it takes some time for our precious friends to find a most special way to send a message, but I believe in time Taz will find a most special way to let you know that he is still and always will be very much with you.
But still I understand your heart and world are shattered . . . I send you hugs, thoughts, and many prayers to see you through these next hours, days, months . . .
God Bless you, and thank you, Mary Beth, for sharing.