Friday, August 24, 2012

Updated Prayer Request for MeiLi the Dog

From Odie: We picked Meili up today after the surgery. My heart broke seeing the big weird cut the surgeon had to do to get a clean margin. We enclose her in a small area and she is very restless. She has a draining tube on to help drain the fluid from the wound and she has a collar cone on that she hates so much. She's restless and I do not know how to help her. I'm so scared and confuse right now. Help pray for me & my dog!


Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please lay a calming hand on MeiLi so she can rest and heal. Comfort and help her please. Hold MeiLi and her owner, Odie in your comforting embrace; thank You.

Thoughts and prayers are with you, Odie and MeiLi.

Anonymous said...

For precious MeiLi . . . God Bless him and you, too, Odie, especially at this difficult time.
Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Roch, St. Jude, St. Francis, and St. Martin, we urgently invoke your most special intercession for MeiLi who has been through so much and is very uncomfortable . . . please take him into your comforting healing embrace; allow MeiLi to know that his family loves him and wants so much to help him, please relieve his discomfort and may the surgical site heal speedily and his health be restored soon. Dear God, please send your holy angels to help Odie through this difficult time, also. Sending positive healing thoughts and many prayers your way.