Thursday, March 8, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request for Atticus the Cat

From Stephanie:
Your prayers have helped my cat, Atticus, in the past and I am once again asking for your prayers. Atticus lost one of his rear legs to a freak accident a couple of years ago. He is now losing strength in his remaining leg. He is being treated with steroids, but if they are not successful we will have have to make a difficult decision to relieve him of his pain. Please keep him in your prayers for a recovery.

Thank you very much,


Anonymous said...

For Stephanie's Atticus, my many prayers are on the way! Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Jude, and St. Gertrude, please take Atticus into your healing loving embrace, please restore his health at this critical time, and give strength to Stephanie, too.
God Bless you, Atticus!

kit said...

Sending prayers to Atticus the Cat that he will regain strength in his remaining leg. Hope that his treatment will be a success and for his speedy recovery.

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please lift up Atticus, hold him in Your strong embrace and support him through this difficult time. Strengthening thoughts and prayers for Atticus.

Anonymous said...

Continued prayers for Atticus, God bless you both, I so love his name. Please give your Atticus love for me, and may the Saints intercede beautifully on his behalf.