Monday, July 29, 2013

Update on Anya the Dog

From Enrique:
Thank you all for your prayers concerning Anya, it has been a difficult week. We went to see her yesterday and she looked like a completely different dog from last week: healthier, happier, stronger. Praise The Lord! The lady who keeps her seems to have a much better disposition to take better care for her. I believe all your prayers had a lot to do with this. At present Anya is still with this lady, but doing much better. She has had a flea treatment, and has had medicine on her wounds. She still has a way to go and still needs your prayers for what is best for her as well as the rest of the animals in that household. Also the woman Kathy (her keeper) needs prayers that God will keep her eyes open to what is best for each of these animals, and that she will stop from taking on more than she can handle. She means well, but she just does not have the proper resources or energy to take care of all these animals. Please pray also that if need be she would release Anya to a better home. Please continue to pray for Martin that he can receive a peace concerning this dog, and what is the right thing to do for her, as well as his constant worry about employment. Thank you so much for your prayers, Anya could not have made such a comeback within a week without them. Please pray that God continues to protect her until the Lord provides the correct answer as to where she should be. Also pray for her keeper Kathy, that The Lord provides for her and the animals if it is The Lord's will that she keep them. Thank you so much! May The Lord bless you and keep you covered under His Precious Blood. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Continued prayers for precious Anya!