Saturday, July 20, 2013

Urgent Prayer Request for Panther the Cat

From Heidi:
PLEASE everyone who reads this PRAY and PRAY hard for my young Panther kitty boy. He has thrown a clot and is in congestive heart failure. He is at the vet but the prognosis is grim. Hs is only 8 years old.. PLEASE pray for a miracle so he can come home and be healthy again.

Panther is sedated and will be over night and then they will tell me the prognosis. PLEASE continue Praying for him -Ben is lost without him!


Anonymous said...

God Bless you, Panther boy, what a handsome boy you are!!!
All my prayers are on the way!
Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Jude, St. Gertrude, St. Anthony, St. Joseph, St. Benedict, St. Martin, St. Francis, please in your mercy intercede for Panther. Please take him into your comforting healing embrace, allow him to know you are with him, and please heal him as only you can do. With you in prayer, Heidi!

Anonymous said...

May the Good Lord hold your kitty, Panther close in His healing embrace.

Thoughts and prayers for Panther to return to wellness are with you, Heidi. God bless you both!