Friday, July 12, 2013

Prayer Request for Sophie the Dogs

From the comment section:
Please pray for my two missing dogs. They wandered off the morning of July 9th and have not returned. Sophie is a German Shepard/ Border Collie mix and Sophie is a Beagle. I live out in the country on a small farm and have looked and looked. But still no sign of them of were they might have gone. Just a paw print on the back parts of the farm. I really don't know what else to do. I've looked and prayed so much it all just hurts. I want my babies to come home. Pleas help. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

For the two precious Sophie's, God Bless them and protect them, and Holy St. Anthony, St. Jude, and St. Roch, please intercede and guide them both safely home. My prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers for your dogs to be guided home to you, safe and well.

God bless your Sophie dogs!