Thursday, April 12, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request for Dogs Suffering in Egypt

From Holli:
I have found you by google. I wanted to know how I can pray for some dogs I hear. I pray to God daily but I guess I just wanted to see if others can help me too. I am currently in Cairo Egypt with my husband who is having to work overseas right now until April 29th. We have been here since August and some things I have witnessed will bring tears to anyone's eyes that care about living things. We are living in a up and coming neighborhood in the outskirts of Cairo near the university he teaches at and some of the villas are empty and not even developed. Many Egyptians attitudes toward dogs are different than ours in that they are not concerned in general about their well being at all and the religion plays a part in their treatment. Many Muslims believe Angels will not come near dogs, dogs are filthy and cannot share human space...etc so they use them for security purposes. Someone who owns an empty villa near our has two dogs chained up inside. Keep in mind there is no electricity running inside that building and I have not seen anyone go in or out. I can hear them crying all night and day. I cannot get inside that building as it is chained around the iron doors and gates. Since the building is empty the sound resonates outside loud and it is heart breaking for me. I have my dog Coco with me and it bothers him too. The 2 dogs sound as if they are in misery and I can do nothing for them. We have spoken to other neighbors and they do not know who owns it but they said that this is very common in Egypt. Many people put them on roof tops or in empty property to guard it. Their idea of guarding is simply tying a dog up..any dog in a place. Most Egyptians are afraid of dogs so it works. I have also heard from other Americans that have lived here for some time that the way they do train some security dogs is horrifying. We have seen deplorable conditions in pet stores and I am becoming more and more sick of what I see. How can any society treat living beings in such a way? How can a religion call for the treatment or neglect from an innocent animal. I know there will be Muslims that will defend the religion by saying they do respect animals but from what I have seen and heard with my own ears from Muslims themselves is that dogs in general are unclean and unfit to be pets and they are deeply mistreated here. I am pleading to you to please post a prayer request from the information I have sent you for these 2 dogs I hear day and night. I know these dogs are suffering and I can do nothing to help them. We have no idea how to contact the owners and I have waited by my window for 5 days now with no sight of any living thing entering this building to feed them. Their cries are becoming louder and louder. I am hoping that with people's help that God will help these animals. I also would like to pray for all the other tied up and forgotten about dogs all around this country suffering. They have dog fights here and they are not illegal so I am told! Please put in a prayer for these poor innocent animals. I can hardly wait to leave this month.

Thank you


Anonymous said...

Dearest Holli,
First - God Bless you, dear lady; and second - I am so glad you found Esther's most special website here. My heart breaks for you for what you are seeing, hearing, enduring, and likewise I am in tears reading of these horrific conditions for the dogs there, and especially those two you are hearing and trying so desperately to help. Please know I am joining you in prayer immediately. Let us also ask St. Jude, Patron of Impossible Cases; St. Roch, St. Francis, St. Martin, and Blessed Francis Seelos for their intercession in this matter.
God Bless you and I will be praying with you as I'm sure many other prayer warriors here will do the same.

Anonymous said...

I pray for those who suffer. May the lord protect them from harm and give them strength to endure what they cannot change. Lord hear my prayer and protect all the creatures in need.

kristina said...

Dear Lord have mercy on your creatures. Our Lady, St. Francis, St. Rocco, St. Martin and St. Blase pray for them.

I think this particular prayer on this website is perfect...perhaps we can all try to pray it daily or as often as we are able...

Prayers for Animals and their Masters
Hear our humble prayer,
O God,
for our friends, the animals, especially for animals who are suffering:
for animals that are over-worked,
under-fed and cruelly treated;
for all wistful creatures in captivity
that beat their wings against bars;
for any that are hunted or lost or deserted
or frightened or hungry;
for all that must be put to death.

We entreat for them all
your mercy and pity,
and for those who deal with them
we ask a heart of compassion
and gentle hands and kindly words.
Make us, ourselves,
to be true friends to animals
and so to share the blessings of the Merciful.

Albert Schweitzer (1875- 1965)
Theologian and Humanitarian

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please watch over these helpless creatures, keep them safe and well, ease their pain and suffering and enlighten the people to the cruelty of their inhumane treatment of these precious creatures; thank You.