Saturday, April 14, 2012

Prayer Request for Tommy Black Kitty, One-Eyed Kitty, etc. from Mary

From Mary:
I hope you are well. It appears the last two prayer requests I sent you may have been answered as Rocky seems to be doing ok. I will be getting him examine and fixed very soon! Also, the Black Tuxeo Kitty, Francine, is also doing very well. However, I still have not recovered either of the two cats from the email request below. One, the black one, I know had some kind of paw injury when I saw her. I have not seen her recently and have been focusing most of my time on my cat, Tommy, who was very, very sick with a urinary tract blockage an operation with complications. He now seems to be doing well but still needs prayers. I am really worried about the black kitty and the one-eyed kitty. Please pray that the Black one has not already left us. I feel really guilty that I had to focus on Tommy lately. I am hoping she did not die of that injury or something else. Please pray that she is still alive and ok and I am able to get her and get her the medical attention she needs. I really need her to be ok or I will be so upset and guilty as I already am. I am spread so thin. I need some signs to help me believe as well that prayers are answered. Please pray for my faith as well.

So immediate prayers are needed for:

Black Kitty
One-Eyed Kitty
To Help My Faith, I Need Some Signs Outside of Probability

Any advice I would appreciate.

Thank you so much and thanks for your help.


Anonymous said...

For Tommy, Black Kitty, and One-Eyed Kitty, and for Mary, please St. Gertrude, St. Jude, and St. Anthony, St. Martin, and Blessed Francis Seelos, please watch over these precious kitties, may they all find their way to Mary's loving care and feel the comfort and healing of your embrace; and for Mary, please send her a sign - a sign letting her know you are still very much on the journey with her, guiding her. We all need signs sometimes when the path become so rugged that it is difficult to continue. Prayers are with you and all the kitties.

Anonymous said...

May the Good Lord guide and direct these much loved kitties to Mary. Thoughts and Prayers of comfort and healing for Tommy, Black Kitty, One-Eyed Kitty, and for Mary.

Gen said...

Lost Bird. Posted by Gen
Her name is Peeps. Yellow and white Cocketiel. She flew away sat. Someone spotted her Sun. She would not come down out of the tree. Flew away again. Found her Monday and she flew away then too. No trace of her today. Please pray for her safe return. We were hoping she would go back to her cage which is on the front lawn. She is only 1 year old and there are many hawks around. She belongs to my preteen daughter who is distraught. Her whole face is swollen from the crying. We really miss her and need her to come home. This is a very nice website. I have prayed for every post I read. So tough when we have a lost or sick pet. I wish you all well.

EC Gefroh said...

Gen, I am posting a prayer request right now. Please tell your daughter we are praying for her safe return home. Thanks for your prayers!