Monday, February 20, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

One of our friends, Holly of A Life-Size Catholic Blog has graciously awarded this lovely award on the Praying for our Pets blog. Since this blog would not have been a success without all of you and your dedication to our pets, I gladly accept the award on behalf of all our prayer warriors, including Holly!

The Versatile Blogger

With this award comes some rules. I have to post 7 random things about me. I will do so but focusing on anything animal related. I also get to bestow this award on other wonderful bloggers!

7 Random Things About Yours Truly:

1. I received my first pet, a Boxer, when I was a baby.

2. Although I love all kinds of animals, my favorite will always be the dog.

3. I have had many pets...roosters, skunk, squirrels, pigeons, turtles, guinea pigs, rat, rabbits...many of them were pets rescued by my father or mother.

4. I take the death of a pet very hard.

5. I sometimes gauge people on how they treat the elderly, children and animals.

6. When I was a little girl, I wanted a chimp as a pet.

7. I would like to have a horse.

The Award goes to:

1. Adrienne

2. Evann

3. Michelle

4. RA Husky

5. Sushiboofay

6. Jean

7. Mary


Adrienne said...

I'm honored and will get on my list first thing in the morning.

Hmmmmmmmmm - you wanted a chimp?

Jean Heimann said...

Thank you, Esther! What a special award!:)

EC Gefroh said...

Yes, Adrienne but after seeing how they can turn on a human...not anymore.

Jean, my pleasure!

Mary N. said...

I loved reading these things about you, Esther! Thanks for the award!

EC Gefroh said...

Thanks Mary and you're welcome!