Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Prayer Request for Grommit the Cat

From his owner:
i just came across your blog and was very moved by your story and so happy and full of joy that your beloved Honey came home to you. I am also moved that you are so gracious as to pray for the missing pets of total strangers. So here is my story and i thank you and your prayer group for all the support and kindness that you are offering.

My husband and I have a beloved pet cat "Grommit" who disappeared on Friday 17th February. He is now missing for 4 days and we are all very worried about him. He's never been away this long so any prayers for his safe return will be so gratefully appreciated. Thank you so much


TimberLove said...

All our prayers for the return of Grommit!

Anonymous said...

For dear Grommit and his owner, dear St. Anthony, St. Jude, St. Martin, and St. Gertrude, please intercede in locating Grommit. Watch over him, protect him, and lead him safely home to his owner who misses him so very much. Be assured of my prayers on the way!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please watch over Grommit, keep Grommit safe and well and guide him home to his owners who love and miss him so very much; thank You.

Bonnie said...

My prayers are with you and your grommit that he finds his way home safely to you. And, I trust that he will, very soon.