Thursday, February 21, 2013

Prayer Request for Puma the Cat

From Kathy:
Pray for Puma...the Vet isn't sure what the problem may be....(Puma is a kitty)...


Anonymous said...

Healing thoughts and prayers for your kitty, Puma and prayers for guidance for the the veterinarian that is caring for Puma are with you, Kathy.

God bless you and Puma.

Anonymous said...

For Kathy's precious Puma, Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Gertrude, and St. Francis, please hold Puma in your healing, comforting embrace and heal her of whatever is upsetting her system. Please guide the veterinary team in the correct diagnosis and may Puma be feeling much better soon. Prayers on the way!