Saturday, February 9, 2013

For Socks the Cat and Freeway the Horse

From Dianne:
My landlords have a kitty named socks about 14yrs old. She has a very bad sore on her nose, and looks like half her nose is gone. She is on medcine for infections. It scabs over but then it breaks open again. The vet says that it may be cancer. Have tired everything.But nothing seems to be helping. Please keep Socks in your prayers. let the lord shows us a way to get get rid of this sore and it will not be cancer Ask in the lord and it shall be done. In jesus name Socks will be healed I know she will Thank you.. Also landlords have a older horse named Freeway, that just seems to be having diarrhea all the time And have tried everything but nothing seems to be helping. Please keep freeway in your prayers also that we can find a way to help him. No job is big or to complacted for the lord In jesus name freeway wil also be healed. Thank you


Anonymous said...

Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Francis, please in your mercy send your miraculous intercession for both Socks the Cat and Freeway the Horse. Hold them both in your loving embrace and assist in their both receiving urgent care with their conditions. God Bless them and watch over them. Prayers on the way.

Anonymous said...

Healing thoughts and prayers for Socks and Freeway are sent your way.

God bless them both.

Anonymous said...

Dear St. Martin de Porres,
You sincerely sought to love God and your neighbour with all your heart and strength, and this love included the needs of animals, even the very mice who lived in your monastery.

Holy Brother, compassionate friend, please pray with me to our Beloved God for the welfare of these, his animals.