Thursday, November 8, 2012

Updated Prayer Request for Ben the Cat

From Heidi:
Please Pray for my Ben kitty boy. He had surgery to take biopsies to see if he has lymphoma. We are still waiting for the biopsies to come back but they wont let him come home as he can't eat. PLEASE PRAY to God to make him well and not have lymphoma so he can come home and be happy and healthy!


Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please continue to hold beautiful and much loved Ben kitty in Your comforting and healing hands.

Keep Ben safe and please have his test results come back showing no lymphoma or cancer of any kind. Please heal Ben, return him to wellness so he can return home to Heidi.

Thank You, Lord.

Thoughts and prayers are with you Heidi and Ben kitty.

God bless you both.

kristina said...

Praying for good results for Ben and peace for you, Heidi. God bless you both!

Anonymous said...

Oh Heidi . . . . your Ben is such a very handsome fellow, God Bless him!!
Be sure to know my prayers are on the way - Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Jude, St. Gertrude, St. Francis, St. Anthony, St. Martin, please take Ben into your comforting, healing embrace. Please allow the biopsies to reveal only healthy tissue. And perhaps Ben is very frightened being away from home and thus not eating in the strange scary environment away from Heidi. Please comfort him and be present to him, encourage him to eat so that he can speedily be released to home.
God Bless you!

Anonymous said...

Please everybody, pray for my 14 month old kitty Heidi so she is healed and her tests for bad illnesses come out negative and she grows old and healthy with her human mommy and daddy, She is very weak and quiet stage now and needs all of your and our prayers so our Lord Jesus gives her health back.

Please My Lord Jesus Heal my Heidi and make it happen that her tests come out negative and her health is so good that she grows old next to us. In the name of Jesus, Amen

Unknown said...

thank you so much, we need it so much
I am in constant praying for my little kitty cat Heidi