Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request for Brindle the Puppy

From Deborah on Facebook:
My friend Denise has asked to me to put her fur baby, Brindle, on the prayer list ~ she is only 3 pounds and has cancer. Poor little pup has been through the wringer with radiation, injections, & last week Interferon. This week she starts oral medication.


TimberLove said...

Poor wee puppy dog, all our prayers,

Anonymous said...

God Bless that sweet Brindle and Denise caring for him!
Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Jude, St. Roch, St. Francis, and St. Martin, please take Brindle into your comforting, healing embrace. He's been through too very much already in such a young life . . . please in your kindness hear our prayers and restore his health, his strength . . . . he has come this far and the sweet little thing needs to feel you holding him in the palm of your hand.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please hold Brindle a much loved and very sick wee puppy in Your healing embrace, strengthen, comfort and heal Brindle.

Thoughts and prayers are with your friend, Denise and her tiny furfriend; God bless them.
Bless you for posting for your friend, Deborah.