Thursday, December 20, 2012

Prayer Request for Kitten the Cat

From Valerie:
Please pray for my cat "Kitten" he has stones and has been thru 3 bladder flushings and I cannot afford another surgery. Please pray that this last flush has eliminated his stones and he recovers. He is a very gentle cat and loves us very much as we love him. Please pray to help him recover and have some more good cat days left in his life....thank you


Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please hold Kitten in your comforting, healing embrace. Please keep Kitten pain free and cure him of his bladder stones.

Guide and direct the veterinarians that are caring for Kitten.

Thoughts and prayers are with you, Valerie that Kitten will return to wellness without surgery.

God bless you!

Anonymous said...

For precious Kitten, Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Gertrude, St. Jude, and St. Anthony, please in your mercy take Kitten into your healing, comforting embrace. He has already been through so very much, bless his heart, please let his last procedure have cleared away any and all stone remnants, please restore his health and he and Valerie have many more happy and healthy years together. God Bless!