Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Urgent Prayer Request for Injured Cats (Squincher the Cat)

From Crystal:
Hi my name is Crystal. I ran across your site prayersforpets.com. It's been a couple of years since you posted it I hope it's still good for prayer requests so I'm taking a shot here as I feel desperate. 1of our family cats got out (as she always does. She prefers to be outside). Tonight we took a walk across the street & her and a stray my son named Walter tried to follow us. We tried getting them to stay on the side of the street we live on(it's busy) but she followed Walter. He got hit 1st the car swerved to hit him&ran over his head. He ran down the street from there into a neighborhood. My sister & her boyfriend ran over to the street to get our cat and just when they got to the curb another car came speeding down the street swerved to hit her. She jumped & then flipped few times. She ran to our building (we live in apartments) and ran under it. We can't get her out to see if she's ok there's no way to reach her. We're all in tears feel guilty and hope and pray they are ok. Please if you get this any prayers will be greatly appreciated. Thank you


Trevor said...

So many things you've said are distressing but let's start with prayer for your cats, we're told that not a sparrow falls that God doesn't know about so let's ask him to hold dear these two creatures and grant you peace in that knowledge. Amen.

TimberLove said...

All our prayers,

EC Gefroh said...

Thank you Trevor and RA.

Anonymous said...

May God hold these two kitties in His tender loving embrace.
God bless and comfort you also, Crystal.

Thoughts and prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

All my prayers on the way for Squincher, Walter, and you, too, Crystal and Family. God Bless you all and hold each in the palm of His hand.