Thursday, March 14, 2013

Urgent Prayer Request for Jude the Dog

From Erin:  I would like to ask you to pray for my dog Jude. She was diagnosed with lymphoma about a year ago. She went into remission quickly on the chemo protocol and stayed in remission for the entire round of chemo and 6 weeks after it was stopped. We had hoped for a much longer initial remission. When she came out of remission she was started back on chemotherapy and tomorrow is supposed to be her last dose. I noticed yesterday that her lymph nodes might be larger and they definitely aren’t non-existent like they were when she first started chemo and went into remission. She is experiencing some hoarseness and allergies so I am hoping so much that it’s just inflammation from allergies. They will do a needle aspiration tomorrow at noon. Please pray that the needle aspiration is clean and that she is in remission and will stay there. Lasting remissions are rare but they do happen and I pray that she will achieve one. She has been through so so much (abuse/foster situations) until she found me and she went blind because of the lymphoma, even losing one eye. She has been amazing through all of this and she is my whole world. Please pray for her.
Thank you so much,


kristina said...

Dear Erin,

I am certainly praying for Jude and asking for St. Jude's intercession too.

Your little Jude is such a trooper! Yes, remissions do happen for much longer. My dog was one example. :)

I pray for your peace as well. You are a wonderful guardian...God bless you both!

Anonymous said...

What a little sweety Jude is. May the Good Lord hold your precious Jude in His comforting...healing and strengthening embrace and return her to wellness.

God bless you, Erin for the wonderful care you give to Jude; God bless you both.

Anonymous said...

St. Jude, Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Pio, St. Anthony, St. Peregrine, St. Roch, St. Francis, please in your mercy take dear Jude into your healing, comforting embrace, and send your angels to also keep watch and comfort Erin at this most difficult time.
Erin, all my prayers on the way for your precious Jude and you!