Monday, September 13, 2010

Prayer Request for Raven the Cat

From Craig:
First, let me say this blog is wonderful. I'm very glad I stumbled upon it. I found it while searching the web for prayers for missing animals. Now the reason I'm here: My three year old cat Raven has been missing since July 5th, 2010. I still haven't given up hope of finding her but, I'm starting to get discouraged. She's my baby and I've been having a very hard time with her being gone. It hurts very much that she's missing, more than words can describe. I honestly feel like I need a miracle here, I'm afraid I'll never see her again. I've been praying to Saint Anthony and Saint Francis for her safe return. I will continue to pray. Please pray for her because I don't know if my prayers are enough.

I've attached her picture in case it is needed. It's not very good but, this is the only picture I have for her. Thank you for your time.


Anonymous said...

Don't give up hope, and know that there are lots of us praying to St. Anthony and Francis for you too :)

mydd said...

You can try leaving her litter box outside and anything that may have a familiar scent on it-cats go by scent alot -you can also try some tuna or sardines when you are around to watch for your cat-since the smell of the tuna may also bring other cats around-but this worked for me when i lost a kitten-got him back that night.
hope it works!