Saturday, January 31, 2009

Warning to Pet Owners in Australia

Marie would like me to post the following warning here:

...there is a terrible heatwave here set to last yet another week! And many pets are dying from being left outside.

Could you place a warning for pet owners to BRING their pets inside. No matter if you have trees and have left water outside..The temps are topping to 115 degrees outside.

So many pets are dying because owners are not being responsible!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Prayer for a Sick Pet

Heavenly Father,
Please help us in our time of need,
You have made us stewards of (name of pet).
If it is Your will, please restore him (her)
to health and strength.
I pray too for other animals in need.
May they be treated with the care and respect
deserving of all Your creation.
Blessed are You Lord God,
and holy is Your name for ever and ever

Basilica and Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation.


Prayer Request - Lucy the Cat

Thank you Adrienne for letting us know about Kirk and his sister Joanne's cat Lucy.
Please remember my sister Joanne and her beloved cat Lucy in your prayers. Lucy is 17 years old now and the other day collapsed in the 44C heat while attempting to do her 'business' in the garden. Melbourne, where my sister lives, is experiencing a terrible heat wave and animals are suffering terribly. Joanne's brother-in-law's dog fell down dead from heat induced heart failure at the age of 10 which was very distressing for the children. Lucy meanwhile is at the Vet and my sister has been told that Lucy has developed a heart condition as a result of the extreme heat. It is very much touch and go. I will readily admit that Lucy and I haven't always got along. She has always had a bit of temper and I have been known to row with her on occasions although whenever she sees me these days he comes up miaowing to me and lets me stroke her. She is not really a bad cat person and while I know that 17 is a great age and that at the time of life and a heart condition one cannot expect too much but I do pray that she can return home and be surrounded by those she loves.
Kirk and Adrienne, I am praying right now and will keep all the animals in Australia in our prayers.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

Dog Party
Peanut's Birthday Party

"You think dogs will not be in heaven?
I tell you, they will be there long before any of us."
Robert Louis Stevenson

You can read more quotes here

Thanks to Becca for sharing.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Prayer Request for Eliot the Cat

Donna in Charlotte, NC left the following prayer request:
...I am writing about my darling cat, Eliot. I found your pet blog through one of the Catholic blogs that I like to read. He had surgery in December (because of a urinary tract blockage) and several days later lost his appetite because of an upper respiratory infection he contracted while in the hospital. He had to go on a feeding tube. He is now eating on his own, but he does not drink water. He used to love to drink from a running faucet, but we cannot seem to interest him in drinking water. His doctor said that he must drink water on his own before she can pull his feeding tube. Will you please pray for him? I'm so glad to know that someone else understands the importance of our beloved pets--especially for those of us who don't have children. I will pray for any pets that you know of who need prayer, as well...
Donna, I am praying for Eliot right away.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Just a Dog"

Coco and Honey
From time to time, people tell me, "lighten up, it's just a dog,"
or, "that's a lot of money for just a dog."

They don't understand the distance traveled, the time spent, or the costs involved for "just a dog."

Some of my proudest moments have come about with "just a dog."

Many hours have passed and my only company was "just a dog,"
but I did not once feel slighted.

Some of my saddest moments have been brought about by "just a dog,"
and in those days of darkness, the gentle touch of "just a dog" gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day.

If you, too, think it's "just a dog," then you will probably understand
phrases like "just a friend," "just a sunrise," or "just a promise."

"Just a dog" brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust,
and pure unbridled joy.

"Just a dog" brings out the compassion and patience that make me a better person.

Because of "just a dog", I will rise early, take long walks and look longingly to the future.

So for me and folks like me, it's not "just a dog" but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future,
the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment.

"Just a dog" brings out what's good in me and diverts my thoughts away
from myself and the worries of the day.

I hope that someday they can understand that it's not "just a dog",
but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being
"just a man or woman."

So the next time you hear the phrase "just a dog"
just smile...
because they "just don't understand."

by Richard Biby

Shared by Irena.

The Lovey Award

Lovey Award

A big thank you to Marie of a View from the Pews for bestowing on this blog, its first award.
Esther has a new blog for pets and their owners. I was touched when watching the Golden Globes when Mickey Roarke thanked his dogs for seeing him through some very tough times. In many families pets become a part of our family but for those who are alone, at times pets are their only family. Let us keep our furry family in our prayers. This is a great site started by Esther and I thank her.
Mahalo nui loa Marie!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Animal Friends

Thanks to Becca for sharing.

Patron Saint of Dogs

St. Roch
St. Roch, Feast Day August 16

...While ministering to the needs of the sick, Saint Roch became infected himself. It was his nature not to burden others and he stayed in a hovel. While he lay dying, a dog from a nearby villa found Saint Roch and brought a fresh roll from his master's house each day. The dog's owner noticed this strange behavior and his curiosity led him to Rochus. Touched by the sick man and his condition, the dog's owner befriended him and Saint Roch recovered...

Monday, January 19, 2009


"The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals"

Prayer Request for Sheba

The following is a prayer request from my friend Marie
...could you post a prayer on your blog for Sheba....Dad had to race her to the vets as when I brought her inside late this morning she had an 'accident' in the kitchen, which is unusual as she is fully house trained and rarely has accidents as I cleaned it up I saw blood and the colour of her 'mistake' was black which tells me it is full of blood. She has also vomitted and the vets have given her anti-biotics but we dont know WHAT is doing this to her. It is the second time we have had to rush her to the vets with this problem, the last time they put her on a drip and kept her for 2 days...Hopefully THIS time I caught it earlier and so the damage to her system will be less.

She is such a cutie patootie please post a prayer that she will recover and we will find the source of WHY this is happening to her....My father buys her the best meats...sometimes even steak! I know our dogs eat better than some children!...Sheba will now be on dog bickies for a while.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Praise Report - The Return of Jack the Cat

Update: Jack has been found! See comment left by his owner Caroline.
Hi again Esther

I found Jack!!! I came home from church tonight and found him running to our car, crying and very thin. We think someone must have accidentally locked him in their garage or house when they went away on holiday. Apparently its very common here. Im so pleased but also feel upset that he was suffering with no food and if he was in a garage it has been down to -10 here on many nights.

I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for your prayers. I will obviously continue to pray for you, your family, Honey & Maggie.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Prayer to Saint Anthony to Find What is Lost

St. Anthony of PaduaPicture source

St. Anthony, when you prayed, your stolen book of prayers was given back to you. Pray now for all of us who have lost things precious and dear.
Pray for all who have lost faith, hope or the friendship of God.
Pray for us who have lost friends or relatives by death.
Pray for all who have lost peace of mind or spirit.
Pray that we may be given new hope, new faith, new love.
Pray that lost things, needful and helpful to us, may be returned to our keeping.
Or, if we must continue in our loss, pray that we may be given Christ’s comfort and peace. Amen.

Prayer Source The St. Anthony Shrine

Friday, January 9, 2009

Prayer for Animals and Their Masters


This is such a good prayer that I will place it in the side bar.

Hear our humble prayer,
O God,
for our friends, the animals, especially for animals who are suffering:
for animals that are over-worked,
under-fed and cruelly treated;
for all wistful creatures in captivity
that beat their wings against bars;
for any that are hunted or lost or deserted
or frightened or hungry;
for all that must be put to death.

We entreat for them all
your mercy and pity,
and for those who deal with them
we ask a heart of compassion
and gentle hands and kindly words.
Make us, ourselves,
to be true friends to animals
and so to share the blessings of the Merciful.

Albert Schweitzer (1875- 1965)
Theologian and Humanitarian

From the New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book, Catholic Book Publishing

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Prayers will be remembered on a daily basis by me. I would also ask that whoever requests a prayer will also pray for the other prayer requests as well.

Note, the pet owners will also be remember in the prayers.

Pictures of our Pets

Honey and Minx
CocoThese are our pets. The orange Tabby is the one who is missing. Feel free to share your pet's photo. I will post them on this blog.


Our family has been in pain after one of our pet cats went missing. We have found comfort in knowing there are many caring people out there willing to help us look for Honey and also praying for her return. We too have been praying very hard that our beloved Honey is found safe and sound.

Since this painful experience, my family and I have become more sensitive to pet owners who lose their pets through sickness, accidents or getting loose. I wanted to do something that would help bring comfort to other pet owners during these difficult times when something happens to a pet. I therefore felt a need to start a prayer request blog for our beloved animals.

If you have a prayer request for one of your pets, please feel free to leave a comment or email me.