Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Patron Saint of Dogs

St. Roch
St. Roch, Feast Day August 16

...While ministering to the needs of the sick, Saint Roch became infected himself. It was his nature not to burden others and he stayed in a hovel. While he lay dying, a dog from a nearby villa found Saint Roch and brought a fresh roll from his master's house each day. The dog's owner noticed this strange behavior and his curiosity led him to Rochus. Touched by the sick man and his condition, the dog's owner befriended him and Saint Roch recovered...


  1. please pray for CUSHI.. she got hernia and a very severe eye infection that can lead her to blindness.. please include her in your prayers.. she's just almost 3 months..

  2. Please pray for Bailey, he was just diagnosed with cancer and is having surgery tomorrow. He is so loved and special.

  3. Please pray for Texas, he is lost and we miss him so much. Miss you Tex luv mum and dad.

  4. James Kelleher
    please pray for Maynard our family puppy he is recovering fom injuries sustained when I accidently closed my front door on him. Everone reminds me it was an accident but that doesnt help because it was an accident that could have been avoided. He's only been with us for a few weeks and we want him to be with us for many years

  5. Please pray for our boxer Xeena. She had her spleen removed on 5/17/09 because they found a 7mm tumor on her spleen. We pray and ask for your prayers that the results of her liver and spleen biopsys come back benign. I cannot stop thinking about her and tearing up every few minutes. This is the hardest things I have been through and I am sure it's even harder for her to go through it. I'm afraid that she can sense all of our worries and fears about her right now. Please pray for our boxer Xeena so she stays with us for many more years. She will be 8 on July 1st and she is just too young for cancer take her. She is very strong but we need more strength from upstairs to help her concur this.

  6. Please pray for my chocolate labrador Moose. He has a stage two mast cell tumor and we are hoping it hasn't spread. He is only three years old and in his short time has spent his life helping people. he is a therapy dog, he helps sick people at the hospital and has a reading program at the library to help children to feel comfortable reading. He is a great loving dog. God works through him in so many ways... please pray for his recovery.

  7. We have been praying for all these pets. If you would like to update us on your pet's health or status, please feel free to do so.

  8. Please pray for Taffie, she is a 2 1/2 year old yellow lab. She went in for a hip replacement on Monday June 22 and now her entire body is failing. She is on a ventilator, her lungs have collapsed and now her kidneys are being affected. Please pray for a miracle that Taffie will come through this and return home to her sister Lexy who misses her deeply.

  9. Please pray for Faddy! Faddy is 10 and 1/2 year old German shephard mastiff mix..sweet Ol' boy! loved everyone........
    He is my soul mate & best friend! he is getting ready to go under the knife any minute! He has been suffering with a tumor in his tail since his sibling passed on Nov 6th. Today he is having his tail removed so he can start enjoying his life again.

  10. Please I beg of all those who come upon this site to pray for my jinxy, he has been having repeated bout of vomiting and this is the second time in 4 monthes he had to be in the hospital.
    my mother bought him for me before she died from cancer,for my birth day. he is 6 and at 5 monthes old got hit by a car and survived. I and my father could not imagine if anything happened to him, his is a connection to my mother, and i need extra voices to carry my prayer for him to the angels. I have prayed for all those on this site and believe in the miraculous power prayer can bring. please help me heal him and i will help heal all you family"friend" as well. god bless and thank you

  11. Please pray for our ten year old Shi Tzuh, Annie. She has severe back injury and is being treated, but we're worried about her outcome.

    Thank God for Annie she has been a great gift to our family. We just pray the God's will be done!
    God Bless and Thanks for your prayers

  12. reading thru some of these stories makes me sad, but knowing we all have the strength from god, our angels, and all our other supporters gives some comfort. my 7 month old puppy was just diagnosed with a terminal disease by the name of GME it is a disease that attacks the central nervous system and causes high feveres, disorrientation swelling of the brain and constant shaking, even seizures, its the hardest thing to watch, she is so little an always falling over herself, i only found out yesterday, and i am so devestated.she is quite ill, and im praying so hard so she will be ok, with the disease (lollie) has the chances of survival are very rare, unless treated, because there is no cure, we can just try and relive sysmptooms withs strong medication, please help me pray for her, arc angel raphael helps with healing animals along with st francis and saint anthony! your prayers are much appreciated, i will pray for all hear to be healed

  13. Please pray for Cocoa. He's my mom's lab who just took a turn for the worse. He's had a good life and I don't want him to be in pain.

    Praise God our cat Zydeco is doing much better.

  14. I forwarded the prayer for a lost pet to a friend who lost her cat, Treacle, who'd gone missing. She was in tears then - It was all smiles as he walked in at 6am the next morning, in good condition, if very hungry. Thank you.

  15. Please pray for my pug pup Riley. She has been throwing up and won't eat or drink anything for 3 days. She cries when we pick her up. She just turned one last month. She has been to the vet, but they have no idea what is wrong with her. I love her dearly. She had Big Shoes to fill when I got her because I just lost my other little girl, Bailey, last year. I can't bear to lose Riley too. She is my little baby and follows me everywhere.

  16. Please pray for my little Gretchen. She is a 13-year-old Lhasa Apso; I've had her for 12 years. She is in the hospital right now with what is most likely kidney failure. We are hoping and praying that some it can be reversed. She has been my loving companion for all those years and has given me such unconditional love, especially during the time I was housebound. I just pray to God I can bring her home and have more time with her. Thank you for praying with me.

  17. Please pray for Missy, my miniature poodle. She is only 11 weeks old, and has become very sick this past week. She started vomiting and having diarrhea, and now she stopped eating-even drinking and has become very sick. Unfortunatley my family and i cant afford to hospitalize her, and im afraid that she would die because of our budget problem. Please pray for her, shes just only begun her life, and she desirves to live many more years.

  18. Please pray for my cat Max. He has gone missing. Hes 14 years old, I got him as a kitten when I was three. I dont know what I would do without him. Please pray he comes home.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Please pray for astig, she's been with us for over 6 years and she's suffering from pyometra. She's been under medication for more than a week already, but i don't think it's working. It's so hard whenever she cries because i can't do anything to ease up her pain. I'd rather be the one in pain instead of her. According to her vet, astig has to go under surgery which will cost us roughly 9,oooPhp/195 U.S. dollars. Of course we can't afford that, so her vet suggested we put her to sleep instead of prolonging her suffering. I've other 6 dogs but still, astig has been part of our family so... We'll give it a week and see what happens. It's just so sad. I'm praying for a miracle. Please pray too that i make the right decision. Thanks for putting up this site, such a great help to all of us who love our dogs so much.

  21. Please pray for my beloved Sundance - 12 year old vizsla who is suffering from kidney failure. He is kind and good and has watched over me for his entire life.

  22. All your requests are posted on the prayer blog as soon as I get it.

  23. Please, please pray for Cody, our 14 year old Golden Retriever. We are not sure what is wrong, but we do know he is sick. He is at the vet's overnight having tests done. I love you so much Cody, please hang in there. He is a wonderful dog, and he has lived a wonderful life thus far.

  24. A. Your prayer request has been posted.

  25. Please pray for Buttercup, she's my 11 year old beagle mix who I've had since I was in kindergarten. She's always such a lively part of my family and she always knows when to make us smile. Recently while out for a break outside, she disappeared. It's been two days, and she's never been gone all night outside before. There aren't any signs anywhere, no one has seen her, and we can't find her. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye and I don't feel I ever will if we don't find her. <3 Please. I don't know what I can do without by baby.

  26. Ada, I am posting your prayer request right now.

  27. please pray for my dog, douglas he's just 2yrs old and 7 mths. he's a labrador.. he was diagnosed w/ hearthworm, distemper and his liver was also affected. he's in a vet's clinic right now and still fighting for his life. i too, will fight for him.. and i believe in miracles!!

  28. Becky, I am posting your prayer request right now!!

  29. Please Pray for our maltese Mickey, he is 8 years old and we love him very much. He is in a veterinary hospital tonight receiving plasma and antibiotics. His organs are shutting down and the doctors do not know why or if he will make it through the night.

    Thank you

  30. Sara, I am posting your prayer request right now.

  31. please pray for Lulu. 12 yr old Shih Tzu who had a sleenectomy yesterday.. She is doing good so far. Her sister-dog Sheba(9)is very worried about her. We want the old Screwy-Louie back....
    One day at a time...

  32. Your prayer request for Lulu has been posted.

  33. Please pray for our beloved cocker spaniel, Daisy. She is being treated for a serious auto immune illness. As of today, she is not registering any platelets. We are praying to St. Francis and St. Roch that their intervention will help heal her and get her past this frightening illness. She is only 4 years old. We pray too that God will guide our veterinarian in the proper path to save her life.

  34. I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying for Daisy.

  35. Please pray for Spynxz. She is my beloved toy poodle who has brought so much joy and love to me and my family. She is 16 years old hand hasn't been feeling well for the last couple of weeks. Last Christmas we lost our other dog to heart failure and she still misses him. She is 16 and has stopped eating. we are trying all different kinds of food even home made, but she is still eating very little. We love her so much and hope she can pull through this to live and love for a little while longer. Thank you for your prayers...they mean so much!

  36. I am posting your prayer request as soon as possible. We are praying for Spynxz.

  37. Please pray for Kasey. She is having a biopsy on Wednesday to find out if she has Cancer. Please pray that she is okay. I don't know what I will do without her.

  38. Praying. Will post your prayer request shortly.

  39. Please pray for Tasha who has some gi problems..they are very severe and she suffers terribly from it.. we love her very much and want her to be with us for a very long time..

  40. We are praying for Tasha. I'm posting your prayer request right now.

  41. Please pray for my beloved Shi Tzu Otto, he was struck by a car after getting out of the yard last night. I found him laying in the street a 1/4 mile from my home. I took him to emergency and he has head trauma. He is stable but not moving around. The Dr said if no change after 24 hrs he would put him down if it were his dog. I dont want him to suffer. I pray that Gods will be done, but also 4 a miracle that he recovers. I will pray for all of the animals and owners here to our Patrons, and to Mary, and our Lord.

    Bless U all thru your anxiety and suffering!

  42. Chad your prayer request has been posted. We are praying.

  43. Otto is coming home, thanks for the prayers. I will continue to pray for your animals and come back to check on you guys. God bless you all

  44. Chad, that is wonderful! Thanks for the update and your prayers!

  45. Please can you pray for Beau he is a 3yr old terrier mix amazing loving dog who has addisons and now they have found something wrong with his liver, so I am asking people to pray that his liver will be fine and that there is nothing that is not curable wrong and maybe a miracle that the addisons would go away forever and he continues to live a long and healthy life I will pray for all your pets too.

  46. Sharmeen, I am posting your prayer request for Beau right now. We are praying.

  47. Please pray for my new grandpuppy Trotter. He is intensive care after my son accidently stepped on him. We are so sad and want hIm to get better and come home so he can live a long and happy life.

  48. Please pray for my family's Duncan, a 7 yo Labrador Retriever. He is being treated for suspicion of a nasal carcenoma. He is our protector, our confident and our friend. Especially to ur 4 yr old son. We recently lost our beloved Abbie in October and are still really in mourning from her loss. We have been on pins and needles thru this ordeal.

  49. Please pray for my family's Duncan, a 7 yo Labrador Retriever. He is being treated for suspicion of a nasal carcenoma. He is our protector, our confident and our friend. Especially to ur 4 yr old son. We recently lost our beloved Abbie in October and are still really in mourning from her loss. We have been on pins and needles thru this ordeal.

  50. Please pray for my family's Duncan, a 7 yo Labrador Retriever. He is being treated for suspicion of a nasal carcenoma. He is our protector, our confident and our friend. Especially to ur 4 yr old son. We recently lost our beloved Abbie in October and are still really in mourning from her loss. We have been on pins and needles thru this ordeal.

  51. JJ, I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying for Duncan.

  52. Please pray for our little pup Jet. We only got him less than a week ago from an animal shelter, where he was saved from a pound... They think he has parvo.. He is very sick. He has been through so much but is such a beautiful pup, please pray he has a chance to truly live.
    Thank you do much,
    Mark & Mary

  53. Your prayer request is being posted right now. We are praying.

  54. please include grace my nine year-old golden retriever in your prayers she is suffering from a spinal tumor. She has had surgery and radiation since December 9. She is so alert and trying so hard to get well. She is simply Amazing but in need of a higher intervention as we have done all we know to do from a medical or wordly manner. we love her dearly and pray with all our hearts that she be blessed by God's loving hand and what is in her highest good be granted. thank you

  55. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Grace.

  56. Please pray for my dog Tucker, he had minor eye surgery a couple of weeks ago & he has been miserable. Had to take him back twice for treatment & he is looking at more surgery. He is the best little guy & I hate to see him suffer.

  57. I am posting your prayer request for Tucker. We are praying.

  58. please pray for Ces our mini dacshund who just got diagnosed with leishmaniasis. please pray that it was caught in time and that he can live a long and happy life with us. We love him soooooo much!!!

  59. I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying for Ces.

  60. Please pray for Woof. She's a beautiful 16 yr old Border Collie and has had a stroke. She's the world to her master who is also sick. Thank you so much... and all the pets here will be in my prayers as well


  61. Jeannie, your prayer request for Woof has been posted.

  62. Please pray for my dog Tessie. She slipped and has injured her paw and shoulder which was previously injuried. She is in alot of pain, please pray with me that she makes a full recovery and her pain goes away quickly.
    Thank you for your prayers.

  63. I am posting your prayer request for Tessie right now. We are praying!

  64. Please pray for my son's puppy. He ate iboprofen and may be having renal failure. My son is 24 and living on his own for the first time. This dog is his baby. We are praying hard for a recovery.

  65. I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying!

  66. Please pray for my foster dog. She is a sweet, loving 9-10 month old puppy we pulled from a kill shelter. She is so sick-she is heratworm positive & seems to have gastro-intestinal problems now. Please pray that she is strong enough to tolerate all of the treatments she will recieve & that she one day very soon gets to play as all puppies should be able to.

  67. I am posting your prayer request right now. Please be assured of our prayers!

  68. Please pray for our dog Indy who got away last night. We are praying for his safe return.

  69. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Indy's safe return.

  70. Please pray for our 10 yr old Alaskan Eskimo dog, Alex. He has a tumor near the bladder section. He had a catheter placed today. He hasn't been his perky self for the past few days. We realize he is getting older but in our eyes, he is still a puppy.

  71. Will post a prayer request for you Gail. Please know we are praying.

  72. Please pray for Maggie. She is a 14 year old German Shepard Mix. She has multiple health problems (thyroid, liver, arthritis, sensitive stomach, beginning of cataracts and is somewhat deaf), all of which are under control and I supposed come with age. We found out recently however, that she is beginning to show signs of Degenerative Myelopathy and hopefully the precautions the vet has helped us take will slow the degeneration of her nerves. We've also discovered a tumor on her paw. She will be undergoing surgery Tuesday 13 April 2010 (after an over night at the vet's from Monday) to remove the tumor and biopsy it. I know I have been very blessed to have her in my life the last 14 years, but it would mean the world to me to have her a while longer, especially since I don't get to see her often anymore since I'm away at school and my loving parents take care of her for me. I'm so worried that while this is a normal procedure, that something might happen due to her age and health. Please, please offer up a prayer for her health and strength and that she not suffer? It would mean so much. She is so special to me and my family. I'm not ready to say goodbye. Thank you and please know I am praying for all of your intentions as well!

  73. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for you and Maggie.

  74. This website is fantastic. Thank you for taking the time to set it up and to monitor it so vigilantly. Please pray for my German Sherpard Shawnee. She's nine years old and to say that she is my best friend wouldn't come close enough to describing the bond we share. My fiancee and I fear that she is suffering from Degenerative Myelopathy and are extremely worried about her. She is going to be diagnosed tomorrow and I am worried that the vet will have bad news for our family. I cannot imagine the fear and confusion she is going through. Please pray take the time to pray for her. Thank you all so much and for your thoughts and prayers and please know that we'll be praying for all of you as well.

  75. Aloha,
    I am posting your prayer request for Shawnee right now. Please know we are all praying.
    Thank you for your kind comment and your prayers for all the pets in need.

    God bless,

  76. To all prayer partners,
    Praise the Lord! Our dog "Sunny",(8pound Maltese), who had swallowed a stone... and then had surgery to remove it... and then acquired a serious infection during recovery which greatly threatened his life... and had to be reopened with another surgery - is doing much better! Thanks for all your prayers. According to the doctors, Sunny is not completely out of the woods yet... about another week, but it is obvious that God is watching over Sunny and is healing him. Again,Praise God!

  77. My Harlie is a 14 month old Corgi. He had on and off body paralysis since September 2009 and was diagnosed to have Aseptic Autoimmune Meningitis last December. Right now he is on medication which will be completed soon and I am very worried what will happen after that. He has brought so much joy to our family and friends. I could not imagine my life without Harlie. Please help me pray for his complete recovery.

  78. Dear Gemma:
    I am posting your prayer request for Harli right now. Know that we are praying for him and all our pets.

  79. My best friend Jerry is a Terrier Mix that we adopted from the shelter when he was 5 months old. He is now 12 years old and was diagnosed with kidney disease today after his routine blood work before a teeth cleaning came back with elevated BUN & Creatine. He is such a wonderful, loving companion and I am so scared and upset over this diagnosis. Please pray for him. We love him so much and cannot bare the thought of losing him.

  80. Anna, I am posting your prayer request for Jerry right now. We are praying!

  81. Please pray for my puppy Barbie. She is really sick, and could pass. I just ask that he interceed and ask the Lord to help my puppy.

  82. I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying!

  83. MESSAGE TO THOSE WANTING TO LEAVE A PRAYER REQUEST: Please email me at estherjoeysmom(at)gmail(dot)com. You can also leave a comment at any blog post that doesn't have as many comments like this one. Thank you so much!

  84. Please pray for Bailey. She is a 13 year old German Shepard/Shar pei mix. She is amazingly strong in mind and body aside from mild arthritis. But she has become suddenly ill. Her gall bladder is stopped up and the build up of bile and other acids is affecting her liver. Surgery is not an option due to many reasons. After two ultrasounds, the doctors can find no blockage or reason for the enlarged gall bladder, but if the new meds don't work soon, she will go into liver failure. Please send a prayer to Bailey and to St. Roch, as I will do for all of your beloved pets. Thank you and God Bless.

  85. Pete your prayer request has been posted. Please know we are praying.

  86. Please pray for our dog Whitey. He's been missing since 29 April 2010. He's a 7-year old white Maltese and he needs medication twice a day. We're very worried about him and it hurts to think of him alone, cold, hungry and in pain. St. Roch, please help us find him safe and well. Please look after him so that he won't be sick and please look after him so that a person finding him will have the heart to bring him back. Thank you for your prayers!

  87. Aloha, I am posting your prayer request for Whitey right now. Please know we are praying for him and all our missing pets.

  88. http://picasaweb.google.com/mikkilingpo/SpringHasSprung#5457608003930623762

    Tonight, my three year old Mini-Schnauzer, Chocolove ,had a seizure. He's too young to have heart problems and he's a very active dog. Seeing him lying dormant after the seizure is breaking our hearts. He is a loving and exuberant dog. Please, pray that St. Francis of Assisi will watch over his bed tonight as he sleeps and that he will relax his muscles and be pain-free so that in the morning, he will once again greet me and my family with his tongue rolling out of his mouth and his stubby tail wagging as fast as he can possibly wag it.

    Thank you.

  89. Michelley, I am posting your prayer request right now. I am using one of the pictures from your album. Know we are praying for his quick recovery.

  90. Thank you Esther,
    but early this morning, Chocolove passed away.
    My family and I are devastated, but we're praying and hoping that he's in a better place now.
    Thank you so much.
    I'm hoping and wishing that his ..death was quick to come and peaceful because of God's mercy, love and our prayers.
    Thank you so much.

  91. And oh yes, [you don't have to post this comment] after his body was taken into the vet, it was determined that his death was caused by being poisoned by snail pellets.
    He somehow got into the fenced garden and ate them...
    Thank you, once again.

  92. Michelley, I am very sorry that Chocolove passed away. How very sad for you! I will post an update to let the others know. We are praying for your consolation. God bless,

  93. I ask for the safe and immediate return of my dog, Maggie, to me. She was ill so i took her to the vet, 80 miles away. She hopped out of the car window when I was paying for gas. She was lost on 5/4/10. I have have posted flyers (at stores and on the internet) and handed out flyers, but so far no luck. I ask for prayers that a responsible person find her (or she finds them) and call me (my numbers are on her collar), or take her into a vet or the humane society so she can be scanned (she is chipped) and returned to me. I deeply miss her!!!!! Maggie, please come home!!!

    Thank you,

    Beth Cloos

  94. I ask for the safe and immediate return of my dog, Maggie, to me. She was ill so i took her to the vet, 80 miles away. She hopped out of the car window when I was paying for gas. She was lost on 5/4/10. I have have posted flyers (at stores and on the internet) and handed out flyers, but so far no luck. I ask for prayers that a responsible person find her (or she finds them) and call me (my numbers are on her collar), or take her into a vet or the humane society so she can be scanned (she is chipped) and returned to me. I deeply miss her!!!!! Maggie, please come home!!!

    Thank you,

    Beth Cloos

  95. Beth, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Maggie's return.

  96. My dog Angel is my child, my niece. I adopted her from my sister many years ago but have always let my sister be her mom and me Angels Aunt. She is a part of us, she lets us live here to take care of her. We are her people her family and she is sick. She is a mixed breed with enough love to fill everyones heart that walks in our door. She wags her tail in a way that makes you just want to hug her. She is our love but she is old and sick. We need to get her to the vet tomorrow and are praying with every ounce of prayer we can muster that she just needs her meds changed but we need to be ready for the worst if it happens. Please pray that it isn't her time to leave us. Please ask God to let us have her for awhile longer. I'm sorry if it sounds likie I'm begging and pleading but I am I don't want her to leave yet. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to reach out. I love her uncondiitionally like she loves us and that type of love is hard to come by. Thank you

  97. Dear Bev:
    Your prayer request for Angel is being posted right now. Please be assured of our prayers.

  98. Dear God,St.Roche

    please help our beloved pet Turk to survive this deadly parvo virus. Oh Lord God, thanks for all the blessing for giving turk in our lives. Lord, i humbly asked you, if once more you can lend turk to us. Thank You! Please pray our beloved dog Turk.


  99. Stephen, we are praying for Turk. I will be posting your prayer request shortly.

  100. COMMENTS ARE NOW CLOSED. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE PRAYER REQUESTS HERE. If you have a prayer request, please feel free to email me or leave a comment at a less populated blog post. THIS ONE HAS OVER 100 COMMENTS NOW.

    Thank you.
