Monday, January 19, 2009


"The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals"


  1. Update on my cat Rocky. I am pleased to announce that his problems have been diagnosed as constipation brought about by an unwillingness to move because he has arthiritis! He also has a heart murmur but is on tablets and metacam for the painful joints. He is now running around like a kitten again (albeit on three legs, having lost one to cancer many years ago). Thank you all so so much for your prayers. God bless you all.

  2. Hi I just stumbled on your blog. Please pray for our dog Eisley. She has a very enlarged heart. Pray for a miracle. Please also keep my wife in prayer as we deal with this. Thanks.

  3. David, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Eisley and your wife.

  4. Please pray for my dog montega who has found himself lost from his family ,oh Lord please him guide back safely and immediately back to our arms thank you

  5. We are praying! A prayer request will be posted later today.

  6. The prayer request has been posted.

  7. Please pray for my 6 year old chihuahua Little Lucky Dog. He is in acute kidney failure and has abdominal bleeding. No one can figure out the cause. If he does not urinate he will not make it.

  8. Your urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Lucky Dog.

  9. An update for Lucky. His body has started to produce a small amount of urine as of this morning. Prayers are working. Please please continue to pray for him. He is not even close to being out of the woods.

  10. We continue to pray for Lucky. BTW, be sure to read the comments left for you on the Lucky's prayer request post.

  11. Was informed that Lucky is doing worse today. I am fairly certain now that he ate an aspirin and an Aleve. Dear Lord please help Lucky.

  12. Final Update For Lucky Dog.
    He is completely pain free and enjoying his new life in Doggie Heaven. His mommy misses him terribly but at least he is out of pain. Thank you for the prayers.

  13. So sorry Angie. We are praying for you.

  14. Please pray for my precious baby Perseus. He was diagnosed with Lymphoma and all his lymph nodes are enlarged. He now has fluid filled sacks developing on different parts of his body. I pray over him every night. He has the kindest spirit of any animal I have ever had and loves every animal. He is very special to me and has shown me unconditional love that I was missing from my life. Thank you to everyone who holds him in their prayers.

  15. Please pray for my precious baby Perseus. He was diagnosed with Lymphoma and all his lymph nodes are enlarged. He now has fluid filled sacks developing on different parts of his body. I pray over him every night. He has the kindest spirit of any animal I have ever had and loves every animal. He is very special to me and has shown me unconditional love that I was missing from my life. Thank you to everyone who holds him in their prayers.

  16. Crystal, you prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Perseus.

  17. My thoughts and prayers are with you Crystal and Perseus.

  18. Please pray for a very sick dog Lily. She has parvovirus and is having a very hard time coming back. Please say all the prayers you can, we love her so much and want her home in good health. Thank you

  19. Gregory, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying.

  20. My cat Mack has just been hit bye a car n has ran away please pray for it to be ok amen ��


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.