Monday, January 19, 2009

Prayer Request for Sheba

The following is a prayer request from my friend Marie
...could you post a prayer on your blog for Sheba....Dad had to race her to the vets as when I brought her inside late this morning she had an 'accident' in the kitchen, which is unusual as she is fully house trained and rarely has accidents as I cleaned it up I saw blood and the colour of her 'mistake' was black which tells me it is full of blood. She has also vomitted and the vets have given her anti-biotics but we dont know WHAT is doing this to her. It is the second time we have had to rush her to the vets with this problem, the last time they put her on a drip and kept her for 2 days...Hopefully THIS time I caught it earlier and so the damage to her system will be less.

She is such a cutie patootie please post a prayer that she will recover and we will find the source of WHY this is happening to her....My father buys her the best meats...sometimes even steak! I know our dogs eat better than some children!...Sheba will now be on dog bickies for a while.


  1. Thank you Esther:)
    just to let you know Sheba is doing much better. We have put her bed in the utility room and so far she has had no more 'accidents' and is now running around as if nothing had happened to her.

    Many thanks for your prayers but alas the vets have NO idea why this keeps happening to her.

    Peace and JOY to you:)

    Marie xooxoxoxo

  2. That is wonderful news Marie. Let's pray the vets figure out what is wrong with her.

  3. Please pray for my little muffin dog she is having seizures and hemoraging. Please pray that she gets well I ask this in the Name of Our Lord Jesus.

  4. An urgent prayer request has been posted for Muffin. We are praying!

  5. Please pray for the safe return of our dog Callie. We got Callie when my husband was diagnosed with cancer. The kids love and have taught het tricks. She ran away from home when a lightning bolt struck close to her and she was frightened.

  6. A prayer request was posted. We are praying for Callie.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.