Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Patron Saint of Cats

St. Gertrude


  1. This blog is such a wonderful idea THANK YOU for thinking of it:)

    Peace to you:)

    Marie oxoxoxoxo

  2. Thanks so much Marie. Please feel free to leave a prayer request anytime.

  3. There is a surprise for you at VFTP's blog:).

    And I would like a request for the homeless who also have pets, may the kindness of strangers feed them too :).

    Peace and love to you my friend,

    Marie xooxoxoxo

  4. Thank you dear Marie!

    lots of love to you

  5. Our cat Bender has been missing for over six months. We continue to search, but I sometimes lose hope. Anyone who wants to offer prayers for our little boy Bender, they would be most appreciated. For more about Bender and our efforts to bring him home, please check out www.bringbenderhome.blogspot.com. Yes, we made him a blog. :) Thanks, everyone! -- Pete --

  6. Prayer Request for Bella the Cat

    My little cat Bella has been in the hospital for the past 4 days. She is having intestinal problems and doesn't want to eat. She is having x-rays today because all her tests are coming back normal. Please pray that the doctors will find the problem and are able to fix it. Also, for her healing and that she starts eating on her own. All prayers are GREATLY appreciated. I love Bella with all my heart and this has truely been very hard for me to see her sick. Thanks to all!!!

  7. Please pray for my lovely cat Stimpy a/k/a FiFi who is 18+ (we are not sure of his age) and has had a few strokes recently. He had another stroke yesterday and has been at the vets since then and we are hoping against all odds that he can recover somewhat. He gets progressively worse with each stroke. We love him so much but we will have to accept whatever is God's will. Please remember him in your prayers and our family also as we are devastated.

  8. Thanks so much for this little site where we can express our love for the little things that love us unconditionally. Our cat Buffy is a Katrina survivor, she is credited for saving lives and relationships by bringing us closer to the ones we love. She also pointed the way for other cats amazingly they found there way through that very tough time. She is now very sick after losing her leg to cancer a year ago. She has always considered herself more human than cat simply because the way she pranced into our lives every morning and when we came home from work. St. Francis and St Gertrude please keep a fresh can of tuna and we request that her leg be waiting for her also. Lets all keep Buffy and all other cats and animals that walk this earth by the grace of God and for the pleasure of our stewardship in our prayers.
    Thanks Mark and Ginny D.

  9. please pray for our very much loved cat, nicholas, who has just been diagnosed with cancer. he's not doing too welland is dragging his back legs to walk.nicky is 17yrs old and my heart is breaking.he goes back to the vets in two days.thank you all so very mech. tina f;

  10. This is a prayer request for two unknown cats that were just euthanized this morning, and for the other 100+ dogs & cats that the local animal conrol euthanizes every single week.

    Just a couple of hours ago I was at our local animal control shelter to get microchips for my most recently adopted cats. While I was standing there waiting, a lady brought in her two cats to be euthanized. She said she had to put them down because her fiance was allergic to them and she could not find them homes.

    I thought the shelter would put them up for adoption, but apparently if you request a euthanization, even on a perfectly healthy animal, they will do it right away. The facility is so understaffed & overburdened, I should not have been suprised. And I know that people like this come in every day. The staff there is very caring- I do not know how they handle the stress.

  11. please pray for my cat, midnight to be found. i usually see her all day, but i haven't seen her since last night. please pray for her so that she will be returned home.

  12. I.m very sad to say that our nicholas lost his battle to cancer.he brought us much happiness and we love and miss him so. thanks to everyone for their prayers.bless you all tina f.

  13. Please pray for our cat, Gozmo. He's only 8 but has become ill. The initial treatments didn't work so they drew blood today to, hopefully, find out what's going on. If the tests come back negative, then they will do x-rays to check for cancer. We really need your prayers. Thank you and thanks for this website.

  14. Please pray for the safe return of our cat Cliffy who has now been missing for six days. We are doing everything we can to find him but need some extra help.

  15. Please pray for my cat, Mr. T. He had surgery yesterday and now is running a fever. Any prayers sent his way will be much appreciated.

  16. Please pray for my cat, Mr. T. He had surgery yesterday but is running a fever today. Any prayers sent his way would be most appreciated.

    I apolgize is this is a duplicate posting. I had trouble sending this.

  17. Smokey is our cat and beloved family member, and we are in desperate search of her as of 10/2/09. She is 14 years old, and moved a little slower then she used to, but was in overall good health. She is loved very much. Please pray for her well being and safe return. Thank you.

  18. Sharmane, your prayer request has been posted.

  19. Why do so many of our beloved cats want to wander and leave us worrying?

    Please pray that my Joey will find his way home. There is a hole in our household without him.

    Thank you.

  20. I would love to request a prayer for my Tweak Monster. She went missing over a week ago and need to know she is ok. I would love for a prayer to bring her home safe and sound and watch over her as she makes her way home

    Lindsay and tweak
    east haven, CT

  21. Linda and Lindsay, your prayer requests have been posted.

  22. Jack Jack, my cat, is stuck between the wall/floor joists somewhere in my house. He has stopped meowing & I cannot locate him. Please pray for him to dislodge himself return. Thank you.

  23. I am praying for Jack. I will also be posting your prayer request.

  24. Please pray for my daughters cat who has undergone testing for FIP, a terminal illness. Please let it not be that. She rescued him 2 months ago and they have become close companions in that short time.

  25. Please pray for my daughters cat who has undergone testing for FIP a terminal illness. She rescued him 2 months ago and they have become close companions in that short time.

  26. Your prayer request is being posted now.

  27. Please pray that I may found my lost kitten Mindang,I just lost my cat today and she never went down our house and after today I cant find her.Please pray that she will find her way home.

  28. Your prayer request has been posted.

  29. Please pray for Kenshin. he is only 2 y.o., in hosp diagnosed with kidney failure. he's a very sweet & loving cat. we adopted him when his former owners left him and moved to another place. we are all so devastated. St Gertrude we humbly beg you to bring him back to us, healthy again. he's meant to be with us. we love him so much. amen.

  30. Desiree, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying.

  31. Please pray for the safe return of my cat Georgie and can you add him to your blog? He simply vanished out of my home. I went out late at night last night to take my dog out and blocked George's path from sneaking out with us. We're in Michigan and it's very cold and George is just a young kitten, 6 months old. I have not seen George since and I was sure he did not get out. He's no where in the house and there is no sign of him outside - not even any tracks in the snow. I'm dumbfounded. I've praying all day for his safe return.

  32. What an awesome site this is. Thank you so much for putting it out there :)

  33. Please keep my Meanie in your thoughts and prayers. She has had a very rough month (and so have her parents). It started 12/23 with a totally fractured jaw (? due to decay?). Miraculously, this healed on its own with antibiotics, time, pain meds, and love. Three weeks ago, a bald spot showed up on her right hind leg. A week later it had turned into a huge growth. The vet removed it and found it to be a rare cancer that spreads slowly, but acts aggressively where it is found, and has very deep roots. They suggested amputating that leg, so we did this Tues 2/16. She was doing ok, is in a LOT of pain despite the constant pain meds, but for some reason is unable to urinate. The vet ran multiple tests today and was unable to find a reason. Please pray that she gets back on her (three) feet and recovers from this. Her daddy did not want to have the surgery to begin with (for both financial reasons, and not wanting to see her in pain), so this is putting a huge stress on our relationship. If she doesn't recover from this, it may mean the end of our marriage. (He has already told me that he blames my decision, and that will never take this course of action with a pet again). Your prayers are greatly appreciated- we love her SO much!!!

  34. Blondie, it seems like I forgot to post a reply to your prayer request for Georgie. I'm so sorry! Please know that I did post the prayer request. Do you have any updates on Georgie?

    MM: I am posting your prayer request right now.

  35. My best friend of 14 years, Red, went in for a dental checkup and they found a mass/tumor under his tongue. I am waiting impatiently for the test results. Red stopped eating and drinking yesterday which isn't good for cats. I put my St. Christopher in his bed yesterday and prayed. As of this morning, he still wouldn't ingest anything. Something told me to research the Patron Saint of Cats, found this site, and added him to the prayer list. My prayer was that he take nourishment until we find out if we can beat his sickness and that I be guided to what is best for him. He has been too good of a friend to me - I can't let him suffer. It is with a happy heart and many tears of joy that I report that he just ate six shrimp and drank some fish broth. Followed of course by a grooming session with his favorite brush - he purred louder than I've ever heard him purr. Thank you for adding him to the prayer list and I will continue with the beautiful prayers on this site. This site is a true blessing - thank you with all of my heart and love.

  36. Beverly, thank you so much for taking the time to update us on Red's condition. I am glad our prayers are helping. We will continue to pray.

  37. Please pray for my girl, Sofie. She is 12 years old and has been in good health until a few weeks ago. The vets don't know what is wrong. She has stopped eating, but still has her sweet personality and spark of life. We've tried everything we can think of, but nothing seems to be helping. If it is God's will that she must soon sit in His lap in heaven, I will accept that it is her time, but I ask you to help me pray for her recovery, or alternatively, and most importantly, that she doesn't suffer. Thank you for this site. I can see it has brought comfort to many, as it has done for me. May God bless you during His holiest of seasons.

  38. Dawn, I'm posting your prayer request right now. We are praying for Sophie.

  39. Thank you all so much for praying for Sofie. It seems our prayers were answered, though not as I would have hoped. Blood test results came back today and she has been diagnosed with terminal kidney disease. Her vet says that her death is imminent, but at least she will not suffer, which makes me so happy even though I'm devastated that I know I will lose my little girl very soon. Thank you all for your prayers!! They were answered, and I appreciate your kindness and time. Please pray for me that I have strength when the time comes. Have a very blessed Easter. May God bless you all.

  40. Dawn, I am very sorry. We are praying for you and Sofie. God bless you.

  41. Please pray for my beloved Lucy. She has been diagnosed with lympho sarcoma which is treatable. We are having ultrasounds done on her Monday to make sure the cancer has not gone into any of her organs, which would not be treatable. She is 12 years old and has never been more frisky, playful and full of life. St. Gertrude, St. Francis and all of our friends here, please pray for her comfort and hope for many more years of joy and love.

  42. Anne, I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying for Lucy.

  43. Could you please say a prayer for Marley, my lovely cat missing since April 11th. Although I miss him terribly, I just want him to be safe and happy, even if it means he can't come home. Thanks in advance.


  44. Fiona, I am posting your prayer request for Marley right now. We are praying for his safe return home.

  45. Marley returned safe this morning after a two week stay in a garage while the home owners were on holiday. Sincere thanks to all those whose prayers helped to bring him home.

  46. Fiona, that is great news. I am very happy for Marley and you. Thanks for the update.

  47. Please pray for my beloved Lucy who had her salivary gland removed today because of what is thought to be a non-aggressive cancerous tumor. The specimens will be sent for a more thorough diagnosis and to see if has spread. Please pray that this is the only incident and that she be restored to her vital, contented, love filled life.

  48. Anne, I am posting your prayer request now. Please know we are praying!

    NOTE TO ANY WHO HAVE PRAYER REQUESTS: Please email them to me at estherjoeysmom(at)gmail(dot)com. Thank you.

  49. My heartfelt thanks to all who have been praying for my Lucy!! She underwent her surgery and the prognosis is great!! Prayer works!!
    Thank you Esther for this wonderful, heartwarming, soul filled site!!

  50. That is wonderful news Anne! I am happy for you. Thank you for your kind comment.

  51. please pray for my little black cat Sequoia who is undergoing a very serious heart problem. all prayers will be appreciated

  52. Linton, I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying for Sequoia.

  53. Please pray for Cookie the cat. She has a lump on her side that our old vet said was a granuloma and relatively harmless. A new vet says he thinks it is a mast cell tumor and could also be in her intestines. That would be a very serious problem for my good friend. Surgery is coming. We have been through a lot of grief (and joy) together. While you are at it,throw in a prayer of thanks for the good news Danielle got about her cat, Angel -
    she still has treatable heart problems but not the kidney trouble they feared.

  54. Dear Jan: I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying for Cookie.

  55. June 7, 2010
    Please pray for my cat Izzy who somehow got into an open wall in our bathroom (we had a plumber trying to fix/ replace a shower valve) she is now stuck somewhere in the floor joists. We had the bottom half of the wall taking off to try and reach/ see her, but no luck. we have tried cat food, lights, calling even bringing in our other cat to meow. We have heard her a few times, but it seems as though she can't get out. Short of tearing down the house I don't know how we are going to find or get her out. Please pray she finds her way out. Please God. Thank you.

  56. Kanaloa: I am posting your prayer request right away. We are praying for Izzy.

  57. Our prayers have been answered! After tearing down a half wall in my son's room and calling in another favor to my friends husband who is a contractor.. He came at 9:30 tonight and was able to help us locate the floor joists that he thought she was between. We then cut a hole in the kitchen ceiling that is under the bathroom where she went in... we could hear her, but couldn't see her. Then we made the hole bigger to get into the next joist and my friend could see her nose and feet under the next joist.. we were about to give up for the night and hope she could find the hole during the night.. we slipped water and food up there, but I just had to give it one more try.. I wedged my head up into the hole and the ceiling.. and then the most glorious sound... IZZY! then I saw her little siamese head and a grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and pulled her out of the hole in the ceiling!! THANK YOU GOD! and Thank you for all your prayers! She is now looking at me... like "what just happened"... THANK YOU!

  58. That is wonderful news! I have posted a praise report.

  59. Please pray for Harlem's safe return home. He has been missing since June 5th and my boyfriend and I continue to search for the little guy. Harlem is only a 4 month old kitten and we fear the worst. I pray to God every night that we find our baby. But we have had no luck. I've purchase the FindToto Service as well as the Pet Amber Alert Service and have received no information on his location. I can use all the prayers I can get to help bring my baby back to his parents. We miss him dearly.

  60. Melissa, I am posting your prayer request right away. Please know we are praying for Harlem's safe return.

  61. Could you please pray for Hitomi, my cat who has been missing since Saturday? She's had a rough life and is missing her teeth and her left eye and she is very loved. We are very concerned because she never wanders like this and although we've put up posters and asked around there doesn't seem to be any sign of her. Please help her come home to us.

  62. Your prayer request for Hitomi is being posted right now. We are praying for Hitomi's safe return home.

  63. Please say prayers for Ozzie, an incredible kitten who suffered a spinal injury that has left him unable to urinate on his own.

  64. I am posting your prayer request for Ozzie. We are praying for his healing.

  65. Please pray for our Sparky who has been diagnosed with pancreatitis. He has been very ill and needs your prayers. Thank you.
    Nancy C

  66. Nancy, I will be posting your prayer request in a few minutes. We are praying for Sparky's speedy recovery.

  67. Our cat, Shmuel, has been missing since yesterday. Please pray that he's safe and healthy and that no harm will come his way, especially this rainy season. Please pray that he will be able to use his inner cowboy skills and survive. Please pray that, if God wills it, we'll be able to find him or someone with a sweet heart would return him to us. It's been two days and I miss him sooo much already. :'(

    Thank you!

  68. Claud, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Shmuel's safe return home.

  69. NOTE TO THOSE WHO HAVE PRAYER REQUESTS: I am closing the comment box. Please feel free to leave your prayer request at another blog post with less comments or feel free to email me at estherjoeysmom(at)gmail(dot)com.
    Thank you.
