Saturday, January 24, 2009

Animal Friends

Thanks to Becca for sharing.


  1. Dear Prayer Group,

    Jack Jack is back. Thanks so much for your prayers. Within 3 hours of posting my request, he miraculously dislodged himself from the joists to where I could see him. He'd been in there for nearly 24 hours & is spooked but appears otherwise unharmed.

    Blessings to all!

    Blessings to you!

  2. Please pray for my cat Midget. She is a tiny cat that is sick and not eating very well and is losing weight. Dr. has yet come up with a diagnosis. I love her so much. She was a rescue, who's first year of life was poor. It took a couple of years for her gain trust, feel safe and loved. I would love for to live a long life so she knows all the love she has and all she has given. Please pray for Midget to get well. Thank you.

  3. Prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Midget!

  4. Bethel Angelique LimuacoDecember 3, 2012 at 10:55 PM

    Please pray for my cat aya. she is terribly suffering through a poisoning. i dont know any vet in here but i know, in God's will, she'll be fine. As of now, she cant barely move nor eat and react through things. She's so helpless and i need your prayers. And i do believe, by faith, God and all the Saints of pets will make my pet alright and playful again as she were.

  5. Bethel Angelique LimuacoDecember 3, 2012 at 11:00 PM

    Please pray for my cat aya. she is terribly suffering through a poisoning. i dont know any vet in here but i know, in God's will, she'll be fine. As of now, she cant barely move nor eat and react through things. She's so helpless and i need your prayers. And i do believe, by faith, God and all the Saints of pets will make my pet alright and playful again as she were.She was one of my five cats and she was just 6 months old and she also has her older brother. I love aya so much. Please help me by your prayers. Thank you so much!

  6. Earlier, a prayer request was posted. We are praying.

  7. I have never posted anything like this before but I hope so much it works. Today while I was at school my dog Haru jumped the fence along with my other dog after my mom let them out. My other dog found her way home but Haru is still missing. Haru is one of my best friends and I miss him horribly. Please pray for his return. Thank You.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.