Thursday, January 8, 2009


Our family has been in pain after one of our pet cats went missing. We have found comfort in knowing there are many caring people out there willing to help us look for Honey and also praying for her return. We too have been praying very hard that our beloved Honey is found safe and sound.

Since this painful experience, my family and I have become more sensitive to pet owners who lose their pets through sickness, accidents or getting loose. I wanted to do something that would help bring comfort to other pet owners during these difficult times when something happens to a pet. I therefore felt a need to start a prayer request blog for our beloved animals.

If you have a prayer request for one of your pets, please feel free to leave a comment or email me.


  1. What a wonderful idea, Esther! We continue to pray for Honey. We are so sorry that you are going through this.

    This is a beautiful blog. I pray that your new ministry will be a blessing to you and your family.

  2. Hi Esther

    Thank you for inviting me to put Jacks name on your blog. This page is very beautiful. I am not sure where to put his name or picture, but his name is Jack and his picture is on my profile picture.

    You dont realise how hard it is to lose a pet until one goes away. I pray that we both find our cats soon.

  3. Thank you dear Jean!

    Caroline. I will add Jack's name on the sidebar under Honey's name. I will see if I can copy your photo.

    Thanks to you too.

  4. Hi again Esther

    I found Jack!!! I came home from church tonight and found him running to our car, crying and very thin. We think someone must have accidentally locked him in their garage or house when they went away on holiday. Apparently its very common here. Im so pleased but also feel upset that he was suffering with no food and if he was in a garage it has been down to -10 here on many nights.

    I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for your prayers. I will obviously continue to pray for you, your family, Honey & Maggie.

  5. Caroline, I am so happy for you!!! Thank you for letting me know. God bless,

  6. I found your blog in my search for prayers to find my lost cat Doc. He has been missing for 8 days after escaping through a hole in our crawl space. I am sorry that you have had to experience the pain that comes with having a lost pet. I am worried sick and pray that Doc is safe and returns home soon.

  7. Amy, sorry to hear that your cat Doc is missing. I have added him to the prayer request list.

  8. Thank you Esther for your prayers for our Dog Crash. He has been in the vet hospital since Tuesday 11-18-09 and today (11-20) they called us and told us he is doing much better, he is eating, he is breathing much better and he will probably be coming home today or tomorrow. The vet still is unable to determine what caused Crash's breathing problems but with an aggresive treament of anti-biotics and steroids, he is doing so much better and breathing much better than earlier in the week. The vet is cautiously optimistic, he is not sure how long this will last, but we will take whatever time we have left with Crash and make the most of every minute. Thank you Esther and everyone for your prayers and please continue to pray for our beautiful Golden Retriever "Crash" cause he is not totally out of the woods just yet

  9. Thanks for the update on Crash. We will continue to pray for him.

  10. Hello!
    Looks like I need prayers said again. This time it is for our senior horse, Dusty. She has edema (swelling in abdomen) and the vet is not sure why (says there is an infection and more blood work is being run). She has not been eating very much, seems to be having a good deal of discomfort and we are quite worried about her.

    Thank you so much for prayers said last time for Frisco our dog and in advance for the prayers to be said for Dusty.

  11. We are praying for Dusty and I have posted your prayer request on the blog.

  12. Hello everyone!
    Jet has survived parvo.
    Thank you all for your prayers!!!
    He is home!! Thankyou St Roch for interceeding... We prayed the Rosary every day til he returned home and was well again!
    Mary & Mark

  13. That is great news Mary and Mark. Thank God! I will post an update. Thanks for letting us know.

  14. please pray for my chihuahua enzo he's very ill right now he had a seizures yesterday and we confined him at the vet clinic,i am asking and begging for you guys and for all pet lovers out here to please say a prayer to enzo's fast recovery,and im praying also for all sick pets all over the world to have a healthy recovery as well.thank u so much and god bless our pets!

  15. Mickey, I am posting your prayer request right now!

  16. Please Pray for Alya, a Four-Footed Minister in Training who has a bad case of the runs, for no apparent reason. God bless you all. Jerilyn (Alya's mom and Minister Buddy).

  17. Jerilyn, I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying!

  18. Please pray for my baby Cinnamon that she starts eating. She has been diagnosed with Feline Lukemia and the vet says she can live a long life with this disease however we need to get her to start eating and geting back to being my baby.

  19. Please pray for our greyhound Salvador. He has thyroid cancer, his prognosis is not good and we wish him to live as long as possible without pain or suffering. He has taught us so much about love, sacrifice, forgiveness and joy. Bless him.

  20. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Salvador.

  21. Thank you Esther, after his CT scan yesterday, it turns out the mass is not a thyroid cancer,and that Salvador has an osteosarcoma. It is distressing as he must be in so much pain! It has eaten away his 2nd rib. We pray his last few days with us will be as pain free as possible, and also for the courage to know when the time is right to let him go to God. Thank you for your prayers.

  22. I am really sorry to read the latest on Salvador. I will post your update and ask Bl. Seelos to intercede for his healing. God's will be done.

  23. Please pray for our beloved cat Hercules. Last week he ran away from us while we were camping. He is 40 miles away from home in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness and therefore needs a lot of love and prayers so he can find his way back. He has been a member of our family for 12 years and we would hate to lose him. Please pray that he comes home safely and soon.

    Thanks very much,

    Meghan and family

  24. Meghan, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Hercules.

  25. Thanks so much for your prayers, this is a wonderful blog. It feels so much better knowing that there are others who care. Thank you so much for taking the time to help make others' lives better and their problems more bearable.

  26. Thank you Meghan for you kind words. If this blog gives someone peace of mind and hope, well then I am glad it was created.

  27. Hello. First of all thank you so much for creating this wonderful blog. As pet owners we cherish our pets like our children.

    Please pray for my one and a-half year old Maltese mix "Joey." He has been in the animal hospital for the last two days with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia. He is a little guy with the most precious face and sweet eyes. He has undergone a blood transfusion in hopes that his red blood cell count goes back up to normal. Please send prayers if you can for his healthy recovery.

    Also, we have had a beautiful Calico cat named "Snickers" for about 10 years. She has been missing for about two months. She used to go in and out of her cat door with much freedom for years. The last time we saw her was around the beginning of July. Please send prayers for her healthy and safe return.

    Thank you and I am hoping I am not asking too much. I am sending blessings to all pets and their owners as well.

  28. Shelli, your prayer requests have been posted. We are praying for both Joey and Snickers.

    Thank you!

  29. I am hoping that we have the same good luck that I have been reading about. Please pray that our cat Oreo comes home safe and sound. She has been missing since last night and is greatly missed. We are very worried about her.


  30. Your prayer request for Oreo has been posted. We are praying for his safe return home.

  31. Thank You for this blog.
    Please pray for my dog Sheba she is 10 and 1/2 years old has bad arthritis and joint problems has hard time walking has other health issues is on meds. helping her some. Please pray so she not be in pain and that she be with me for long time, I love her so much. Thank You and God Bless You All !!!!

  32. Maggie, a prayer request has been posted for Sheba's healing. God bless,

  33. Your blog has brought me new HOPE! My Beloved,little white,persian cat... CAESAR...snuck out of the house 3 weeks ago. I miss him dearly and worry about him 24 Hrs every day!! This experience has brought me cloiser to God, as I pray constantly for his safe,speedy, return.I have done all in my powew to find him, and have to leave this in the hands of the lord. Please pray we are reunited soon!!THANK-YOU, Wendy P.

  34. Wendy, your prayer request has been posted. We will be praying for Caesar's safe return home.

  35. We had just brought Bob home after adopting him, and he ran out when the door was opened on 10/16. I have been searching and searching. Please pray that someone kind will take him in and then see one our Lost posters and call us.

  36. Janet, your prayer request has been posted. We will be praying for Bob's safe return. BTW, is he a dog or cat?

  37. It's very timely that I came across this site. The idea of cats having a patron saint crossed my mind in hope of something I don't know .. Maybe I was in search for something to ease my heart. You see my dear little kitten Psyche just passed away this morning. He died from a fever. Now I am grieving and left with regret because I wasn't able to do what I should have done right away ..

  38. It is very timely that i came across this blog. The idea of cats having a patron saint crossed my mind, maybe I was in search for something that could ease my heart. You see my dear little kitten Psyche passed away this morning due to a fever. Now I am grieving and left with regret because I wasn't able to do what I should have done right away. I feel terribly sorry for him and myself. May you please pray for his dear soul.Thank you and God bless.

  39. Alyssa, we will pray for you during this difficult time.

  40. hi Esther thank you very much for your prayers. this really helped me a lot in dealing with my grief. However, I come to you once again to seek for help in prayer. i actually have three cats Sabbath, Shiloh and Psyche. Few days after Psyche passed away my other cat Shiloh must've acquired the same illness. He has been diagnosed with Parvo which worries me a lot. I have been ceaselessly praying for his healing and fast recovery. Please pray for his convalescence and may the Lord our God deliver him from this sickness. Thank you and God bless.

  41. Alyssa, I have posted an urgent prayer request for Shiloh. We will be praying.

  42. Thank you very much Esther. You have been one of my source of strength especially in times like this. I am very thankful for those who have included me and my cats in prayer. Parvo is such a terrible disease. I am sad to say that my cat,Shiloh, didn't make it. God's hand touched him today and he slept. He fought hard but now he may rest in God's loving arms. May you join me in prayer for my beloved Shiloh. God bless you and your advocacy.

  43. Oh Alyssa, I am so sorry! We will be praying for you during this sad time.

  44. Dear Esther,

    Today a beautiful little dog that belonged to my Aunt passed away. Her name was Sasha and one of her greatest joys was to love and to be loved. She will be missed and I pray that she is safe in Heaven and knows that she was and is loved. I also pray for my two babies who I continue to mourn for. March will mark one year since I lost my babies Taz and Vlooi, my world my everything. I pray they know that my heart is theres always forever and that one day we will be together again.

    Thank you Esther and God Bless


  45. Kieran: Hi hope you are well. I am sorry for your auntie's loss of Sasha. I posted a prayer request for you and her.
    God bless,

  46. Our Baby Boy Jack didn't come home tonight and I have looked all over for him. He always comes in at night and I am scared to death. He is Solid Black Cat, weighs 25 lbs. and is my life. He is the sweetest cat ever. I don't know how to pray for him or what to say or how to do it. Please help me pray and help me say the words that GOD will hear to understand me. Please. I need this cat in my life. Thank You, Lori

  47. Lori, a prayer request has been posted. We will be praying for Jack's safe return home.

  48. Hello Ester. On 10/18/11, my dog was put down. I was searching the internet for pet prayers when I came across your blog. I would love it if you posted my prayer request for me and my dog. His name was Moses and he was 14 years old. A good old age for a dog, but his health had gone downhill so much, he could hardly stand on his own anymore. I know what me and my family did was the right thing, but I miss my sweet boy terribly. Not to mention, I made a huge mistake of reading why people thought animals didn't go to Heaven. I honestly believe that Moses did go to Heaven and that he'll be waiting for me there, but to my shame, I sometimes still have doubt. Any prayers for Moses and I would bring me great comfort and would be a huge help. Thank you so much.

  49. Tara, I posted a prayer request for you. My beloved dog died the day after Moses did. I hope and pray our pets go to Heaven too.

  50. Hi there, I am not sure if this is the right place to leave a prayer request but my beloved cat Jack is missing again for nearly 2 days :( Every time he is gone it consumes me wondering if he will come home this time. Please pray for us. xx

  51. Caroline, I am posting a prayer request for Jack right now. Are you the same Caroline who left the comment above (when I first started this blog?)

  52. Yes it is me :) Sorry I still cant seem to figure out how your blog works :) Even though im a regular user! sorry :)

  53. Hi Caroline! I am so glad to stayed with us. I believe Jack was the very first pet we ever prayed for. I'm sorry for the confusion. You can leave a comment anywhere as I will see it and respond -or- you can email me directly. See the sidebar for the link to email me.
    I'm sorry Jack is missing again. I hope and pray he returns home safe and sound soon.

  54. This is a very lovely blog. Thank you for it and for the prayers. I didn't know there were so many Saints who were patrons of animals.

  55. Thank you! Actually, there may be a few more saints. I am always on the look out for them.

  56. Please pray for my cat Jack. He is getting attacked very badly by my neighbour's cat and he is not a cat that will stay indoors. I really don't know what to do about it. He has had a nose injury and it seems they know he has a weak nose, so he is coming home with less and less nose every day :( I'm so upset about it but just have no solution.

  57. Caroline, I posted a prayer request. We are praying for his healing and that he stays safe.

  58. Hi Esther

    I am back for another quick prayer please. Firstly, thank you so much for all and any prayers said by yourself or anyone else related to your site. God bless all of you! You are such a comfort knowing there are prayerful pet lovers out there.

    My baby cat Ginny has gone missing today. I pray she returns quickly and safely. She doesn’t normally leave the garden and im worried sick. The last time she went missing over night she was trapped in a court yard and couldn’t get out. It took us days to rescue her :(.

    Thank you so much
    Caroline xx

  59. Aloha Caroline:

    A prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Ginny's safe return home.

  60. Thank you so much Esther as usual. God bless all of you. We found her a day or so later, I sent a photo of her to my neighbours by sms and she appeared shortly after. I think she could have been stuck in a garage.

    Anyway she is tonight spending the night in hospital after being attacked by the neighbours cat :( I took her in and she has a fever. I'm so upset and I can'b vt believe it. I just pray I will hear good news in the morning.

  61. Oh Caroline! How terrible! I posted an urgent prayer request. We are praying.

  62. Thank you again as always. We have her back now and she is making a good recovery. God bless all of you. You are in my prayers. xxx

  63. Please pray for my dear cat Zoya who went missing on Thursday, May 17, 2012 around 10:30 pm. She liked to sneak out, but would always come back when I called her. This was 4 months to the day that my Mother passed away and she always said she wanted to take a cat with her. I pray to Saint Anthony and St Frances and also St Clare. Please help Zoya find her way home to me.

  64. A prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Zoya's safe return home.

  65. Praying for Zoya's safe return! So sorry. xx

  66. Hi, please pray for the safe return of my puppy Marley, who was stolen from our house. Some people said that he is probably sold to someone else but I am still hoping that someone can see him and return him to us.

    For others, they think it is impossible to have him back but I know, with faith, nothing is impossible.

    Thank you.


  67. Krizel, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying!

  68. What a great site! Our cat Pierre has battled through major heart surgery last year but now faces a kidney blockage surgery. There are a bunch of risks so please pray for him to recover and stay with us a bit longer.

    Thank you very much,


  69. Thank you for this wonderful site. An old friend lost his beloved dog Anakin 3 weeks ago when the dog simply wandered off and away from home. It is heartbreaking for the family to not know where Anakin is. I pray that Saints Francis, Felix, Anthony and Jude are all with Anakin wherever he is to protect him and that they implore the Lord for His mercy to bring him home safely and soundly very soon. As the Resurrection is celebrated as a miracle this Sunday, let Anakin's safe home coming manifest God's power in miracles. In Jesus Name.

  70. Lori, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Anakin's safe return home.

  71. Please pray for the safe return of my precious cat Domino. He's been missing since Monday 5th January. I can't stop crying for him, he's only ever been missing overnight once and we found him the next day after what we believe was a car accident. I'm so frightened I will never see him again.

  72. Elizabeth, your prayer request has been posted on our blog. We are praying for Domino's safe return home.

  73. I run a domestic pet rat rescue and we also have a sanctuary called St Francis Rat Sanctuary, for very old, sick, disabled and terminally ill pet rats. Please remember our sanctuary ratties in your prayers, esp. Mr Bean (heart condition), and Trixie (massive inoperable benign tumor which makes movement hard for her). You can see our website at: We are on Facebook too, we have a page for Philly Rat Rescue and one for St Francis Rat Sanctuary.

  74. Aloha, we will be happy to keep your organization in our daily prayers. Your prayer request is being posted. We are praying for Mr. Bean, Trixie and all the rats in need. I just to have a wonderful pet rat. God bless your good work.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.