Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pictures of our Pets

Honey and Minx
CocoThese are our pets. The orange Tabby is the one who is missing. Feel free to share your pet's photo. I will post them on this blog.


  1. Please pray for our chocolate lab, Bisto. He had surgery for a torn ACL on his back right leg in November and on his left back leg 10 weeks later. He seemed to be doing nicely until today. He is favoring his back right leg which we thought was healing nicely being that it has been so long since that surgery. Please pray that this is just a minor setback. It breaks my heart to hear him cry when he tries to stand up. Thank you so much!

  2. Janice, I posted a prayer request. We are praying for Bisto.

  3. Would you please be so kind as to pray for our little dog Sebastian so that he may be reunited with us. Sebastian has been missing since May 10, 2013, he was picked up by someone then lost again on May 14, 2013, we are so heartbroken. We love our innocent little animals so very much and want him home. Thank you for your prayers for his safe return, that he may find his way back to us soon. Thank you so very much.

  4. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Sebastian.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.