Thursday, January 8, 2009


Prayers will be remembered on a daily basis by me. I would also ask that whoever requests a prayer will also pray for the other prayer requests as well.

Note, the pet owners will also be remember in the prayers.


  1. Please pray for Carmella dog. she is only 6yrs old and has to be biopsied for possible lymphoma. She has a 50/50 chance between treatable infection or lymphoma. I know your prayers can help.

  2. Kindly preay for my Male cat Motu who went missing on Thursday 13th May2010.He use to go out and come back but he went on that day and has not returned home.Please Please pray.I am feeling totally lost. I kept on searching for him everyday but could not locate him.

  3. Jaya, I am posting your prayer request right now. Please be comforted in knowing we are praying for Motu's safe return home.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.