Saturday, January 31, 2009

Warning to Pet Owners in Australia

Marie would like me to post the following warning here:

...there is a terrible heatwave here set to last yet another week! And many pets are dying from being left outside.

Could you place a warning for pet owners to BRING their pets inside. No matter if you have trees and have left water outside..The temps are topping to 115 degrees outside.

So many pets are dying because owners are not being responsible!


  1. Please pray for my pet goldfish it has dropsy and is fighting bravely for its life.
    That our loving heavenly Father
    restore its health and give it comfort and strength during this illness in Jesus name.

  2. Please pray for my pet Goldfish. It has dropsy and is fighting bravely for its life. Antibiotics have not had any effect. So I lift him up to my Heavenly Father's loving hands. That he, the creator of life, restore my friends health. In Jesus name I pray.

  3. please pray for my little Doggy-Pepi, she eats everything, and tonight while i was out she decided to rip open 2 packs of ibuprofen that was left on a table top and eat 27 200mg tablets. the next 48-72 hour are critical for her.

  4. Please pray for my dog, Ellie. She has been diagnosed with autoimmune disease and is not likely going to survive. Please pray for her return to health as well as for painless last days if that is God's will for her.
    She has been a loved family member and a wonderful pet.
    Thank you, Esther.

  5. An urgent prayer request has just in posted. We are praying for Ellie.

  6. Please help pray for our dog, Kenji. He will undergo bloodtests this Thu and must need to be operated on. Appreciate your kindness. Praying for all sick animals.

  7. Toni, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We will be praying for Kenji.

  8. Please pray for Kato, our 12-year-old wonderful cat. He has a laryngeal tumor and we've been told there's nothing that can be done. I'm still praying for a miracle for him.

  9. I posted an urgent prayer request. We are praying for Kato.

  10. D'Amato's

    Can you please pray for our Staffy Jax D'Amato. We took him to the vet last Saturday and they asked us to leave him over night with them. He has now been there for 7 days as none of the medicine they are trying seems to be working. If he doesn't get better by tomorrow we have been told there is no other option but to put him down. Can you please pray that his bladder works so he is able to go on his own and also that we can bring him home with us tomorrow. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. Thank you

  11. I just posted an urgent prayer request for Staffy. We are praying!! Would appreciate knowing what kind of pet he/she is.

  12. Jax is a dog. So far no news yet but we will be calling in a few hours to check on him. Thanks you for your prayers.

  13. Good news is Jax has been given another 48hours for observation as there has been some minor improvements. We just need him to pass urine now and then he will be cleared to come home and we wont have to put him down. Please continue to pray for him, the next 48hrs are very important.
    Thank you

  14. I posted the update. We will continue to pray!!

  15. Thank you to everyone for all your prayers for our dog Jax. As I said in my post a couple of weeks ago, we were told by the vet that if he didn't get better by the next day (Nov 25th) we would have no other option but to put him down. Jax continued to fight and slowly we started seeing minor improvements. Unfortunately it wasn't enough and yesterday we had to put him down. I just want to thank everyone for their prayers for Jax, it gave us an extra week and a half with him :-) I will keep all the other sick animal on this website in pray, hoping for their total and complete healing and if any owners unfortunately go through what we did then I pray that God will strengthen you and your family, they may be only 'pets' to some ppl but i know just how difficult putting down an animal can be. Thank you once again for posting my prayer request for Jax D'Amato xxx

  16. I am really sorry to learn of Jax's death. I know from recent personal experience how much we can grieve from the death of a pet. You have my sincerest condolences. If you give me a first name, I can add you as one of our prayer warriors. If you prefer to remain anonymous...that is fine too. Thank you for praying for the other pets.

  17. Please pray for my 6 year old dachshund Ferlitz. She had her back injury on Thanksgiving. I'm not sure what happened but she can't use her rear legs properly and won't go up/down the stairs since. She's been in strict cage rest for a week with strong steroids for anti-inflammation and paid meds but her condition did not improve when we took her back for her follow-up today. Her vet recommended for her to consult with a neurologist and set up an appointment with MRI to find out exactly what's wrong with my baby girl. She will see the neurologist tomorrow and will have an MRI and prayerfully, the result will not require back surgery. Please everyone I ask that you include her u your prayers and I also pray for all your pets and other family members who are suck or going through something. I really appreciate all the prayers. God bless!!!


  18. Kit, I posted a prayer request the other day and just now posted the updated prayer request. We are praying. Thanks for your prayers.

  19. Please pray for my sisters beloved dog Max. He has been running a high fever for a few days and they cannot seem to find what is causing it. Tonight they found out part of his esophagus is paralyzed. He is a sweetheart. Your prayers for him are deeply appreciated.

    Max's Aunt

  20. A prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Max.

  21. please pray for my puppy moses who has parvo and he has been saved once from it. He has 50% chance of living and his decision day is thursday if he will live. Ive been taking care of him for his owner until august but I feel like he is my baby he is suffering so much but I dont want him to die please keep my baby moses in your prayers. Thank you

  22. An urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Moses!

  23. Please pray for my 6month old puppy Grey. He's been sick this morning, vomiting & bleeding. He's confined now and under observation. He looks too weak, I'm praying for his recovery.

  24. An urgent prayer request was just posted. We are praying for your little puppy!

  25. Please pray for my son's dog, Sir Lancelot, he is having seizures and is in the hospital.

  26. Prayer Request has been posted. We are praying for Sir Lancelot.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.