Sunday, February 1, 2009

Prayer Request for Benny the Dog

The following is a request by Maria Teresa.Faith:
I have a prayer request for my lovable companion dog, Benny. I am asking prayers that his eye completely heal. Thank you so much!


  1. Dear Maria Teresa,

    Prayers for your dear Benny.

  2. Thanks Ladies. I am so happy to know others are joining me in praying for these beloved pets.

  3. Today, my puppy moses who had parvo died today in the afternoon. He died outside peacefully as the birds sang a beautiful song. He died looking at his non related big brother. while we were burieyng him, drizzy (his once again non relating big brother) helped us dig the hole. We have a beautiful wooden cross where he is with blue flowers covering his grave. He will be forever loved.

  4. I am really sorry to learn of your puppy's death. I did post the sad news.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.