Thursday, January 29, 2009

Prayer for a Sick Pet

Heavenly Father,
Please help us in our time of need,
You have made us stewards of (name of pet).
If it is Your will, please restore him (her)
to health and strength.
I pray too for other animals in need.
May they be treated with the care and respect
deserving of all Your creation.
Blessed are You Lord God,
and holy is Your name for ever and ever

Basilica and Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation.



  1. Esther:)
    there is a terrible heatwave here set to last yet another week! And many pets are dying from being left outside.

    Could you place a warning for pet owners to BRING their pets inside. No matter if you have trees and have left water outside..The temps are topping to 115 degrees outside.

    So many pets are dying because owners are not being responsible!

    Peace, joy and love to you Esther:)

    Marie xoxoxoox

  2. Thank you Marie. I posted your warning today.

  3. Could you please add Frisco (dog) to your prayer list. He is having surgery tomorrow and I am very worried about him.

  4. Could you please add Taffie (dog) to your prayer list. She had hip replacement surgery on Monday June 22 and her body is not recovering from the surgery. We pray that she makes it through this.

  5. please pray for our dog onyx who is in acute renal failure

  6. please pray for Aston, my precious 9 month old Russian Blue as he is not well. The vet thinks it could be FIP virus.

  7. Sampson, my son's bulldog is having heart surgery September 30. Please keep him in hearts that he will recover and give us a few more years of his gentle and loving ways.

  8. Your prayer request has been posted. Sampson is in our prayers.

  9. Chuckie;our 3 year old male lab has been sick probably since march. the vet has been very patient but i think the infection has spread. (he swallowed a ring-like thing as showed by the x-ray result.) we've nursed his wound(palm-sized in his neck due to the ruptured swelling of the infection and it healed wonderfully with convenia but two more swelling in his face has appeared again.we badly need prayers to save Chuckie.thanks.

  10. I am posting your prayer request right away!

  11. Please pray for our golden lab mollie, who has a severe kidney infection and if her medication doesnt work will have to be put to sleep. It would break our hearts if that happens cause she such a big part of our family.


  12. A., your prayer request has been posted.

  13. I am asking everyone to please keep my beagle Lucky in their prayers. He was just diagnosed with prostate cancer. I love him so much do not want to say goodbye to him yet. Please pray for my dog. :o(

  14. I have posted your prayer request for Lucky. We are praying for him.

  15. Please pray for our beloved dog Ingrid, she is having a biopsy on Tuesday to determine if she has cancer or not. Please help us to pray that her problem is benign and easily treatable. God bless you.

  16. Patricia, I am posting your prayer request right now.

    God bless,

  17. Please pray for our calf ( carter) he was born this past Saturday and his mother wouldn't feed him because he was a twin and the mother only took one of them, so we have been bottle feeding him. He has done great but today my dog attacked him and messed his legs up really bad, we took him to the vet and they wouldnt do no more than give us the supplies we need because he dosent specialize in cattle so we have him bandaged up and he has drank his bottle and peed we are just waiting for him yo poop and to stop bleeding.. Please say a prayer thank you and God bless you.

  18. The poor little guy! I've posted your prayer request on the blog. We are praying.

  19. Please pray for Sandy her liver is failing her so we might have to put her down if she doesn't improve

  20. A: What kind of pet is Sandy? We are praying.

  21. Sandy is a dog, a Belgian shepherd, thank you so much

  22. Thank you, Esther, for praying for our dog Ingrid. The results of her biopsy came back today and by the grace of God she does not have cancer and her condition is easily treatable. Thank you and God bless you and your website, everyone's prayers are much appreciated.

  23. Patricia, that is wonderful news! Thank you for letting us know. I have posted a praise report.

  24. Please pray for my beloved cat Giorgio. He had surgery this morning to remove his spleen which had a cancerous tumor. Another tumor was found on his liver that is inoperable. Please pray for a safe recovery to buy us some more time. We are not ready to say goodbye to him yet. He means so much to so many people. Thank you.

  25. Aloha Cory:
    I am posting your prayer request right now.
    God bless,

  26. Please pray for our cat Tuck. He has feline fatty liver disease and is very sick. Please pray that he has the strength to get through this. The next few days are critical. Thank you.

  27. Kara, I am posting your prayer request for Tuck right now.

  28. Please add CeeCee (dog, our "child") to your prayer list. She is 10 and has suffered from epilepsy all her life. She went into status on Thursday morning, seizing for 1.5 hrs. She continued to have seizures every few hours for about 48 hours after this episode, despite being heavily medicated. Her recovery has been slow, but at least she is recovering somewhat. She is scared and lacks some vision and balance. Please pray for her!

  29. I am posting your prayer request for CeeCee right now!

  30. please pray for my 13 year old Cocker Spaniel, she catches whatever I have ... she's had shingles off and on for years, but now I think she has the flu. I've started her on antibiotics and have anointed her with oil ...

    I live alone and she is the only companion that I have - she's the only one I can trust

  31. Aloha, I am posting your prayer request right now. I am praying.
    God bless,

  32. I am one of those owners that may lose a pet of my daughters because I was not responsible... At first, I was very angry at this comment thinking that my excuse was was great enough... If we are to lose sandwich this morning, our beloved pet Ferret, he will leave behind his sister Jelly... And however the outcome, I promise to learn from my carelessness. Please put Sandwich in your prayers this morning and allow me to right my wrong for his and my Daughter sake... And Thank You!

  33. Brian, we are praying for Sandwich and am posting your prayer request right away.

  34. Please everyone. Please pray for my beautiful miniature pinscher Vlooi who is unwell. She is such an important part in my life and brings such joy and happiness. I dont think there is anything I wouldnt do for her. So please pray that she may recover and get better. thank you

  35. I'm posting your prayer request right away. We are praying!

  36. please pray for our chocolate lab Jake who is 13 years old and can no longer walk due to unknown causes. His doctor said he has degenerative arthritis and we have him on medication, hoping he will walk again, however this happend in a mattter of 2 days and we just don't know why. There is nothing else wrong with him which of course is making our decision even more diffcult. We are going to give the medication another week and hope and pray for some glimmer of inprovment. Please pray for our boy Jake that he will become mobile again. Thank you

  37. I am posting your prayer request for Jake. We are praying.

  38. Please pray for our Korat cat Jak he is unwell and wont eat pray we dont think he can make the night please pray for his health and strength thankyou everyone.

  39. Im praying for Jake everyone please pray for Jak

  40. I am posting your prayer request right now. Please be assured of our prayers for Jak.

  41. My dog was diagnosed with heart worms yesterday, she is my best friend I love her soooo much, I want her to be with me for a long time. I am getting her treatment and I need for her to make it through this. My husband and I will stick by her every step of the way, she is part of our family, I love my Trina with so much of my heart.

  42. I am posting your prayer request for Trina right now.

  43. Hi All,
    My dog Julie is really sick . She is 14 yrs old. Please do include her in your prayers.


  44. Aloha Priscilla. I am posting your prayer request right away! We are praying for Julie.

  45. Ashley, I am posting your prayer request right now. Please be assured of our prayers for Duke.

  46. Thank you all for your prayers. Julie passed away on Mar 19th. Hope she is happy in her new home as she was with us. She taught us how to love unconditionally. Julie we love you.

    With Tears,

  47. Please pray for our puppy Doty, she is currently in a battle to try to beat parvo. We are monitoring on an hourly bases. Her brother had succumbed to the disease in the middle of the night last night. Doty has been given the medicine by our vet this morning. We ask for prayers to give her strength to continue her fight and beat this disease.

  48. I am posting your prayer request right away Breezy. We are praying for Doty.

  49. Please pray for my lovley Dog Annie she is very old has problems with hearing and biting chunks of her fur off. It is more severe than you think and she has to go to the vets, and if they can't do anything she might have to be put down. I ask for a prayer to help her and this certainly looks like the right one.

    Thank You

  50. We are praying for Annie. I am posting your prayer request right now.

  51. Please pray for Eddie...he is a 12 year old border collie who is fighting a massive infection and has been having seizures for the last 5 days. We ask for prayers for Eddie to recover and continue to be the loving companion he has been.

  52. Kelly, I am posting your prayer request for Eddie. We are praying for his quick recovery.

  53. Please pray for our 5 year old white collie Tiffany. She has been knuckling over on her left front foot and dragging the nails on the left front and back feet down to blood. We are out of our minds with worry and upset. I have anointed her with Holy Water and Blessed oils. We are waiting for the results of a thyroid test and I am hoping that low thyroid will be her problem as it is a much better outcome than the rest of what this could be.

  54. Cindy, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Tiffany!

  55. Please say a prayer for my beloved Aussie, named Shelby who is in ICU as having been diagnosed with acute renal failure. She was fine just 48 hrs ago, and a week ago put on an arthritis med called Dermaxx and her blood work and x-rays were all fine as of 6/29/10. I cant say good-bye just yet, and not this way and want some more time with her. Thank you,Cathy

  56. Cathy, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Shelby!

  57. Our Dear Lucy is 7 and has been livng with Feline Leukemia for the past 5 years. We took her to the Vet. yesterday for her yearly checkup and Feline Leukemia test, we have been giving her shots, she tested high for Fel. Leukemia. The Vet said that we should continue to give her the shots, but she isn't giving us a timeline. Her disease has progressed. She is a little sweetheart. Please pray for her.

  58. Dear Alan and Dale:
    I am posting your prayer request for Lucy right now. Please know we are praying for her speedy recovery.

  59. Hi Esther, please add my beloved cat (Monina) in your prayers. He gone blind almost a week ago.He is so skinny and depressed. I am trying my best to keep him safe and secured but he just stay in one place. I pitty him so much. He was given an antibiotic and vitamins but I don't notice any progress. Prayer is all I need to make him strong and healthy again even if he's blind. Thank you

  60. Hi:
    I am posting your prayer request right away. We are praying for Monina's quick recovery.

  61. Hey my huskey Mishka took some pills the other day and has become very ill I rush her to the nearest vet which was 3 hours away and she had to be hooked up to IV she is now taking fluids at home and is in kidney failer I ask you all to pray for her for shes more then just a dog to me but my only friend.

  62. Please know we will be praying for your dog Mishka. I am posting your prayer request right away. Please ask Saint Martin de Porres to intercede for you.

  63. hi my name is zoey im asking that you will pray for my dog callie she is 11 years old and hasnt been eating or drinking very much the last week i love her very much so please pray

  64. Zoey, I am posting your prayer request right away. We are praying for Callie's speedy recovery.

  65. Thank you Esther and everyone for your prayers. Little Lucy's Feline Leukemia was getting worse so we sent her to Rainbow Heaven today. She will be missed, but we were very Blessed to have her for 7years.

  66. I am very sorry, Alan and Dale. I will post the sad news. We are praying for you.

  67. Could you please pray for Lady, my little cat. She was by my side when i had surgery and gave me so much comfort. Now she is sick; she is only 9. I'm not ready to lose her yet. Please pray that she recovers.

  68. Could you please pray for Lady, my little cat. She was by my side when i had surgery and gave me so much comfort. Now she is sick; she is only 9. I'm not ready to lose her yet. Please pray that she recovers.

  69. Candy, your prayer request for Lady has been posted. We will be praying for her quick healing and recovery.

  70. After being at the Vet. last week and sending Lucy to Rainbow Heaven we now take her older Sister Gabby to the Vet. today. She is very sick. Please pray for Gabby and us. Thank you.

  71. Alan and Dale, I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying for Gabby. So sorry to read she is very sick.

  72. Thank you Esther. 1 year ago Gabby had problems with her Kidney's and after 3 days of fluid intake, at the Vet. she bounced back. Her Kidney's had a problem again so 3 days of visiting the Vet., again and Maalox 2 x's per day forever and with prayers, hopefully she will live a long life. Thanks again for the prayers, everyone. I will continue to pray for everyone and their pets also.

  73. Hi, My name is Megan, and I'd like to ask you to pray for our golden retriever Sasha, who was just diagnosed with a fast growing cancerous tumour on his face. He's an amazing dog, and so much more to us than just a pet, and I would be so grateful if you prayed for him to be able to spend as much time as possible with us, and for him to be pain free.
    Thank you so much!

  74. Alan and Dale, please keep us updated. Thanks also for the prayers.

    Megan, I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying for Sasha.

  75. We came home from the Vet. yesterday with a can of Salmon cat food that the Technician gave to us. As soon as I opened it up, Gabby starting eating like crazy. Since yesterday, Gabby has been eating the Salmon and drinking water, etc. This morning she was up on the counter, with the other 3kitties waiting for food and seems to be coming back nicely. We have one more visit with the Vet. today and will be coming home with special food for her. Thanks for all of your prayers. I will continue prayer for the the other pets and owners on this website.

  76. Alan and Dale, that is very good news about Gabby!!! She will continue to be in our prayers. Thank you so much for your prayers for not only the pets but their owners too. God bless.

  77. Can you please add Lucas (Beagle) to your prayer list. He recently had a autopsy on his liver and tomorrow we get the results. So can you please pray for him.

  78. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Lucas.

  79. Please pray for Angel, our 9 year old beagle. She has a bladder stone the size of an egg that our vet missed. She's being treated at another vet hospital and having surgery, but she's also being tested for lymphosarcoma. Please pray for her to get better. We love her so much.

  80. Megan, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Angel's quick recovery.

  81. Please pray for our little Yorkie, Branwell who has developed serious complications after bladder stone surgery two days ago.

  82. Catherine, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Branwell's recovery.

  83. Please play for my cat. We are unsure of why she is urinating everywhere BUT the litter box and cannot afford to find the problem and fix it. We are putting her down tomorrow. We wish it didn't have to come to this. Please pray she's apart of our family... Thank you

  84. I am posting your prayer request right now. From what you wrote, it sounds like she may have a urinary tract infection and may need antibiotics. We are praying.

  85. Note to those wishing to leave a prayer request. I am closing this comment box. Please feel free to email me your prayer request at estherjoeysmom(at)gmail(dot)com or leave a comment at another post that has less comments. Thanks for understanding.
