Thursday, January 29, 2009

Prayer Request - Lucy the Cat

Thank you Adrienne for letting us know about Kirk and his sister Joanne's cat Lucy.
Please remember my sister Joanne and her beloved cat Lucy in your prayers. Lucy is 17 years old now and the other day collapsed in the 44C heat while attempting to do her 'business' in the garden. Melbourne, where my sister lives, is experiencing a terrible heat wave and animals are suffering terribly. Joanne's brother-in-law's dog fell down dead from heat induced heart failure at the age of 10 which was very distressing for the children. Lucy meanwhile is at the Vet and my sister has been told that Lucy has developed a heart condition as a result of the extreme heat. It is very much touch and go. I will readily admit that Lucy and I haven't always got along. She has always had a bit of temper and I have been known to row with her on occasions although whenever she sees me these days he comes up miaowing to me and lets me stroke her. She is not really a bad cat person and while I know that 17 is a great age and that at the time of life and a heart condition one cannot expect too much but I do pray that she can return home and be surrounded by those she loves.
Kirk and Adrienne, I am praying right now and will keep all the animals in Australia in our prayers.


  1. YW Kirk. Please keep us apprised. Thank you.

  2. I'm sure Kirk and his sister will appreciate it Donna. Thank you.

  3. Lucy s getting there. She has returned home but no more going outside for her. At 17 years of age the Vet has said that the act of going outside is too much of a strain and so she must retire into private life and live indoors. I am so pleased all is working out. Lucy as started eating again and I know that my sister, her husband and the children will be pleased.
    Thanks so much for your prayers everyone. I am linking my blog to yours so that I can visit everyday!
    thanks very much Esther for this wonderful blog!

  4. Kirk, thanks for Lucy's Update. I will put it in a post so it will be read by everyone. I appreciate the link too. I am adding yours under our friends' blog.

  5. Please for my Rat terrier Mya she was hit by a car and needs surgery on her hip and possible on a ruptured bladder.

  6. Courtney, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.