Monday, January 26, 2009

Prayer Request for Eliot the Cat

Donna in Charlotte, NC left the following prayer request:
...I am writing about my darling cat, Eliot. I found your pet blog through one of the Catholic blogs that I like to read. He had surgery in December (because of a urinary tract blockage) and several days later lost his appetite because of an upper respiratory infection he contracted while in the hospital. He had to go on a feeding tube. He is now eating on his own, but he does not drink water. He used to love to drink from a running faucet, but we cannot seem to interest him in drinking water. His doctor said that he must drink water on his own before she can pull his feeding tube. Will you please pray for him? I'm so glad to know that someone else understands the importance of our beloved pets--especially for those of us who don't have children. I will pray for any pets that you know of who need prayer, as well...
Donna, I am praying for Eliot right away.


  1. Adrienne,
    Thank you for your prayer for my Eliot. I found Esther's sweet blog through your blog. I'm not very vocal on the Catholic blogosphere, but I read.

  2. Adrienne, thank you! Also, thanks for mentioning this humble blog on your blog!

    Thanks for the kind word Donna.

  3. I would like to thank any and all who prayed for my Eliot. I am happy to report that he had his feeding tube removed this morning because he is now feeding himself adequately. He is hydrating himself through his canned food. We are going to give him a partial canned/dry food diet and expect him to return to happily lapping from the water dish. Thank you all so much for praying for my dear friend and companion, Eliot.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.