Sunday, January 11, 2009

Prayer to Saint Anthony to Find What is Lost

St. Anthony of PaduaPicture source

St. Anthony, when you prayed, your stolen book of prayers was given back to you. Pray now for all of us who have lost things precious and dear.
Pray for all who have lost faith, hope or the friendship of God.
Pray for us who have lost friends or relatives by death.
Pray for all who have lost peace of mind or spirit.
Pray that we may be given new hope, new faith, new love.
Pray that lost things, needful and helpful to us, may be returned to our keeping.
Or, if we must continue in our loss, pray that we may be given Christ’s comfort and peace. Amen.

Prayer Source The St. Anthony Shrine


  1. My 4 1/2 year old Persian some how got out of the house this weekend. She has always lived indoors and is declawed. We had a garage sale and so did others in our neighborhood, so I am praying that a stranger did not steal her. I am hoping someone in the neighborhood has taken her in and provided food and shelter. We made flyers and placed them in mailboxes around our subdivision on saturday. I'm hoping tomorrow (monday) I hear some good news! I could really use everyone's prayers, please!! Roxy is part of our family and I am absolutely heartbroken right now. I am so worried for her. Please pray for her safe return.

    Thanks so much,

  2. Jess, I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying that St. Anthony will find and bring home Roxy, safe and sound.

  3. Our cat Max got out of the house Sunday morning and we have not seen him since. he is a 2 1/2 y.o neutered male we adopted from out Vet 2 years ago along with his sister. He is usually an indoor cat with little extensive outdoor experience. We live in a heavily wooded area with many patches of woods and needless to say coyotes, raccoons and foxes. He was last seen on Monday by a gas station attendant but then went back into the woods. We have distributed 200 fliers,sent out a mass email with his flier, put his picture and information in the local papers, the online paper, local businesses and vet. offices along with the canine control officer, local police dept., school bus company, shelter and emergency clinics. Tomorrow I will go to the post office and ask them to post his flier in the break room for all the letter carriers to see so they too can keep a look out. I have been putting tuna outside for 2 days now and frequently call for him and in the woods. I feel I have done all that is humanly possible to get our beloved Max back.I am glad to find this web site as I will now add a daily prayer. I am asking for all of your prayers that he and the countless other lost cats find their way back to their loving families and that their journey be a safe one. Max needs to be home with the family that loves him, his sister, the rabbit, the dog, the fish and the lizard. Yes we love animals......and are devastated that he is lost. Peace be with all of you.

  4. Carolyn, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Max's safe return home.

  5. My Max is lost too....he is a beautiful 9 year old tabby. He loves being with his family inside, but sneaks outside as often as he can...he loves to hunt for little things (and bring them home as gifts for us), and protect our front step. I miss him so much....and pray he'll come home safely. He's been gone for 4 days.

  6. Your prayer request has been posted. We will be praying for Max's safe return home.

  7. Please pray for my cat Charlie, missing since 04/10/10. He is an 18 month old neutered male and has never wandered out of the garden before. We live in the country surrounded by many fields and have searched extensively but there is no trace. I have distributed fliers throughout the neighbourhood but nobody has seen him. I am lost without him

  8. Your prayer request for Charlie has been posted. We will be praying for his safe return home.

  9. My 3 year old cat Shamus ran away this past sunday. I am heartbroken and can barely sleep at night. Tonight I will be praying to saint anthony for my cats safe return home. I hope for some more prayers from those animal lovers that can feel my pain. Thank you everyone and Saint Anthony

  10. Leah, your prayer request has been posted. We will be praying for Shamus' safe return home.

  11. My little kitten is missing from november 26..A boy from our neighbor left him somewhere..we've been asking him,where did he left it..but he's not telling us the exact location..i am really scared.I just can't understand how these people could steal a kitten ..please i will be praying to Saint Anthony so that i can find would be really nice,if you can pray for him too.Thank you Saint Anthony and Everyone.

  12. sorry .. i forgot to mention his name..his name is gato..he is a little kitten..please pray for him so that i can find him and bring him back to his home..Thank You

  13. An urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for the safe return of your kitten.

  14. Kodi and Dixie dug under the fence on Feb. 2 and we haven't seen them since. There was a sighting yesterday (2/13) but by the time we got to where they saw them they weren't there. It's been almost two weeks since they "ran away from home" and our family really misses them both. They are both rescue dogs and pray that St. Anthony will return them both soon.

  15. Randy, a prayer request has been posted. We will be praying for Kodi and Dixie's safe return home.

  16. Prayers for my mother and father in laws lost dog Rosie would be greatly appreciated. My husband and I were looking after my in laws dog Rosie when she escaped from our home. My in laws are away at a funeral so emotions are already stretched. Rosie is a timid 6 year old Maltese x shitzu and loved and cared fir as though she was a child. Please pray for for Rosie.

  17. Please pray for Figaro, my beloved maine coon cat that followed my dog out of an electronic doggy door on the evening of 3/31/11 and hasn't returned since. I am so very worried about him. I have posted signs, searched the neighborhood, put lost and found ads on several websites, and contacted the humane society and shelter. I pray that he is alright and if not, that I can forgive myself for not watching him closer when I knew he had learned to follow the dog out the doggy door.

  18. Teresa, we are praying for Figaro's safe return home.

  19. BTW, a prayer request has been posted for Figaro.

  20. My cat Lilly ran away today. Can you please pray for her that she is safe and well. I am very worried and would do anything to get her back, or at least into a home that welcomes and loves her. I miss her terribly already, thank you all.

  21. Lia, a prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Lilly.

  22. Please help us. My boyfriend, Kid, his kitty has went missing. Her name is Bleach, she's a wonderful cat, about 2 years old. He delivered her. Please pray for her safe return. She's been missing since 6/11/11. Thank you all so much.

  23. Amanda, we are praying. I posted a prayer request for you.

  24. Our cat Daisy Rose got out without my realizing it last night. She is an indoor cat, and we live on a very busy street. She is a very social, loving cat and my 11-year-old daughter calls her her "best friend". My daughter was abandoned by her birth mother, and is currently struggling a lot with that - adding the lose of her beloved pet is going to tear her apart. I feel like such an awful mother for letting Daisy get out when I know she means so much to my daughter. Please pray that Dairy Rose returns.

  25. Praying! Will post prayer request later.

  26. Charlotte, your prayer request has been posted.

  27. Esther - I am just writing back to THANK YOU for your prayers and posting the prayer request. I am happy to report that Daisy Rose has been found!!!!! Again, THANK YOU.

  28. Am keeping a cat for someone and she is either hiding (for two days now) or has gotten outside. Please pray that we will find her. I am terrified that something has happened to her. Thank you.

  29. Please pray for my moms 3 year old teacup chiwawa, Brittney who has been lost, and has left an empty space in my moms heart. Please pray that she finds her way back home. Amen

  30. Please pray that my mom 3 year old chiwawai Brittney is safely return. My mom has been so upset and has a empty space in her heart. Not sure if she was taken or got out, pray that she comes home. Amen

  31. Please pray for the safe and speedy return of Whiskers, the beloved kitten of Zachary and Sarah. She got out of the house and has not returned all day. Please St. Anthony, return her safely to the family who loves and misses her.

  32. Linda and Sandra, I assume this is the same pet. I posted a prayer request for Brittney. We are praying.

  33. I have just returned from having lunch at home and my cat, Abby, is gone. She is an indoor cat. My niece was taking of my special needs son this morning and they left for a doctor appointment. I called her and asked if Abby was in my room when they left. She said there would be no reason for her not to be there, but Abby is missing. It is possible that my son could have accidently opened the back door and let her out without him understanding what he was doing because of his disability. Please bring Abby back safely.

  34. This is Judy. I just sent a comment about my cat Abby missing. No sooner had I sent the prayer than my husband called to let me know she is safe and sound. We had workmen come to our yard and they must have scared her and she was well hidden indoors. Now that the workmen are gone, she came out of wherever she was. We called and called out to her and she did not make a peep. Thank you, St. Anthony, for working so fast! You do not need to poat my first comment, but you can post this one!

  35. Judy, I am very happy that your prayers were answered. I am sorry I could not post your prayer request or post any comments because of a bad virus that hit my computer.

  36. Please pray for the safe return of my cat Tinkerbelle. She has been missing for 36 hours. I am very worried and we miss hee greatly.

  37. please pray because my dog mateo hurt his leg while i was putting him down, i dont know how it happened but when i stand him up on his feet he just lays back down. i xant live without mateo he is my life please help me pray for him to be ok

  38. A prayer request has been posted. We are praying.

  39. My son and his girlfriend came to my house for a visit with their beautiful cat Eva, and indoor cat who got outside 09/01/2011. We've seen her a few times in and near the yard, but have been unsuccessful in bringing her back. My son and his girlfriend had to leave yesterday to their home 4 hours away, and are devastated that they had to leave Eva behind. Please pray for Eva to come back to us safe and sound soon. We're all extremely sad and nervous for her.

  40. Carol, I posted a prayer request for Eva. We are praying.

  41. Our indoor cat must have gotten outside yesterday without us realizing it. His name is Pumpkin and he has been gone for 24 hours now. We are praying for his safe return. My 3 young sons will miss him dearly if he is not found.

  42. Prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Pumpkin's safe return home.

  43. Less than 24 hours after submitting my request the power of prayer overcame. My heartfelt thanks for all of your prayers because we just found Pumpkin 3 houses away. Thank you and God Bless all of you.

  44. What wonderful news! I just posted the update.

  45. Thank you for your prayers! I made my request on September 6, and we found our cat on September 13. She's now home in VT, safe and sound, and I'm so grateful to all of you! God bless you all, and I'm praying for your pets also!

  46. My cat Mavrick is missing. He is a black and white male. He is 9 years old. He is fixed but not declawed. I know that his claws where is only defense. He was inside for 6 years. For the last three years he goes outside. I have a small doggie door that he and my other cats use to go in and out. He has never wondered far. When you call him, especially for dindin he comes running. You say his name or whistle his ears perk up. Non of my cats have every wonder off. Mavrick is a very loving, affectionate, and laid back. Like other when he isn't doing that he's on the hunt for mice, frogs, and lizards. He is always bring me gifts. At night when we go to bed, he will come to bed also. He has always slept at me feet. Once a day he got his kitty message. He loved his belly rubbed. he has been missing for 6 days. Ive posted ads in the paper, graigslist,, Facebook, made fliers, walked the neighborhood and talked to everyone, called shelters, vets office, and even did a pet amber alert sent out 100 posters to all pet businesses in the area and call 1000 neighbors in my area. I pray non stop that he comes home. I have also been praying to Saint Anthony. I miss my baby boy very much and hope he comes home soon. I love Mavrick with all my Heart! Shannon

  47. Shannon, a prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Mavrick's safe return home.

  48. Thank you St Anthony for listening to my prayers last night and bringing my 2 dogs home safely! Miracles do happen and i am so very grateful for St Anthony's help! God Bless.

  49. We just brought our black cat named Mellow home from the shelter. He escaped out of our fenced in yard today. I am afraid for him and feel awful for letting him out of the house so soon:( Please pray that Mellow finds his way back to us soon! Thank you!

  50. A prayer request has been posted for Mellow. We are praying for his safe return home.

  51. My dod holly got hit by car and ran away we have no idea where she i please sned your prayers to my beautiful holly

  52. It's your dog right? I am posting a prayer request right now.

  53. NY best friends dog is lost its name is willie please pray for her!

  54. Please pray for the return of our 3 year old cat Mooshey. She has always been an in door cat and on Saturday 12/17 she got out we didn't notice till later in the evening and she has not returned. I have put up fliers in our neighborhood and surrounding area but nothing yet. Ads on the net, and our newspaper I pray that she finds her way home. My boys are asking for her safe return for Christmas. We miss her terribly! Thank you, The Mueller Family

  55. Dear Mueller Family, a prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Mooshey's safe return home.

  56. Please pray for the safe return of my beautiful Ragdoll boy Ouija (Wee-Gee). Today is Christmas Day and he has been missing from our home since Tuesday. I have searched day and night and have only gotten a few hours sleep over the past several days. He is such a beautiful kitty so I hope no one has taken him. If they have, I hope they've cared for him until I can claim him. He is a strictly indoor cat and I am so worried. He has all of his claws but is such a sweet baby. Our house isn't a home without him. Please pray for his swift and safe return home !

  57. A prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Quija's safe return home.

  58. Please pray for our 10 month old cat 'Apolline' she went missing while visiting a friend on the 28/12/11, we have put hundreds of flyers and posters where she went missing, locals are very helpful but still no sign of her, we miss her so much & want her back home, we can't live without her & feel so empty, please God, Saint Anthony & all holy spirits guide us back to each other. Please pray for our baby cat 'Apolline' safe return.

  59. Please pray for the safe return of our much loved cat apolline, she is adored by us & we feel completely lost, she went missing on the 28/12/11, she is an indoor cat and is missing away from home whilst visiting friends.

  60. Anthony, I posted a prayer request. We are praying for Appoline's safe return home.

  61. Our 1 year old cat got out this morning ... he has done it once befor but returned at dawn. Today was different in that he didn't return. our daughter feels guilty in that we think he snuck by her when she was letting in the dog who was outside at the time. His name is Ryder and he is missed very much! Please pray for his safe return and pray for our daughter to help ease her pain. Thank you!

  62. A prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Ryder's safe return.

  63. Kat, I posted a prayer request for you. We are praying!

  64. Please help me pray for the return of my beloved dog, Tora. He is a Male, 1 year +, very short black fur with very light tan eyebrows and legs, has a very long, curled up tail, is wearing a metal choke chain. he jumped over my fence in kota kinabalu, sabah, malaysia, and escaped on chinese new year eve (22/1/12) because he was very scared of the firecrackers that night. he is possibly injured because we found blood on the floor. I pray that he finds his way home, it has already been 3 days since we last saw him.

  65. Daphneh, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Tora's safe return home.

  66. Prayer for a Lost Pet
    We ask you to help us find BULAK,
    my dear pet who is now lost.
    I know that you placed animals on the earth
    for many reasons, including companionship for man.
    I therefore ask you to help us find my lost companion,
    and pray that You will keep him safe
    and protect him from harm until he is found.
    We join our prayers with St. Francis,
    St. Anthony of Padua, and all the saints,
    and pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

    Please pray for my lost cat i miss him so much and im so worried.., what iam feeling now is like a mother who lost her child. I hope and pray that Bulak will soon find his way home or someone bring him back to me. I also pray for others who lost their pet.

  67. A prayer request has been posted for Bulak. We are praying for his safe return home.

  68. Please pray with me that Bernadette, our sweet black and white cat, will come home safely. She has been missing for almost 24 hours and it is not like her to disappear or miss dinner. I am so worried about her! I am also praying for other lost pets. May they all find their way home soon.

  69. A prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Bernadette. Thank you for praying for the other pets.

  70. My cat, Snuggle, and his two brothers, Picasso and Harley are missing. Snuggle has been gone 2 weeks. Checked the shelter and he's not there. I miss him so much. Picasso and Harley got out tonight when a sitter was over. I'm beside myself. Please, St. Anthony help return my kitties. My boys and I love them so much!

  71. A prayer request was just posted. We are praying for the safe return of all your cats.

  72. Last night My dog Lucky escaped from our backyard and we could not locate him. I found this site and prayed to St. Anthony last night before I went to bed. This morning when I opened the door that leads to the backyard, Lucky ran into the house. I will pray for all the lost dogs on this blog. The power of prayer.

  73. Wow! So happy for you and Lucky! Thank you for your prayers for the other pets as well. God bless.

  74. I lost my daughter's dog Rachel since 4/23/2012. She is very shy and scared of people so I know it's only a miracle that can make her come home or be caught by other people. I have been praying to Saint Anthony and St. Francis every night and I believe in the power of prayers. Please help me in my prayers for her safety until she is with us again. Thank you.

  75. We are praying for Rachel. I posted a prayer request.

  76. Christine and EthanMay 15, 2012 at 9:43 AM

    Please, please pray for my son's cat Smokey. He is a fluffy little indoor cat we have had since he was a kitten two years ago. My son will be devastated if he does not come back, he loves his cat so much, we all do. He is a defenseless little cat. I do not know how he got outside, but he is gone and will not come back when i call him. Please pray for us and Saint Anthony, please help return our little kitty. Thank you. Christine

  77. Christine, prayer request has been posted. We are praying!

  78. Please pray for our cat Luna. She is a year old and a black Domestic cat. We lost her on Wednesday, May 16 and still have not found her. Luna had the most beautiful heart and always accompanied me when I felt lonely. Her sister, Ollie is waiting for her at home. I recieved Luna on my 13th birthday as a present. I was in tears all day when I realized she still isn't back. I've been searching all day everyday for her and I'm in the process of making fliers. Luna can not be replaced. Thankyou so much.

  79. A prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Luna's safe return.

  80. pls pray for my cat zebra,his been missing for 8 days.I am worried sick about him.

  81. A prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Zebra's safe return home.

  82. Please pray for my cat, Ashlyn. She was out yesterday and hasn't been seen since the afternoon. We think someone took her into their home, which is frustrating because she has a collar and clearly belongs to a family. She is my my daughters and my cat and is very special to us. We just had to pray to Saint Francis for healing of Ashlyn's sister, Dusty, who was hot by a car and those prayers were answered quickly and has healed almost completely in less than 2 weeks. This would be so crushing to the kids if after all that, our little Ashlyn was lost forever. The Saints have helped us many times, and we need them yet again... Please help!

  83. Michelle, a prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Ashlyn's safe return home.

  84. Our Oreo is missing ... we found his collar and tag under my car this morning and a little bit of fur in the yard. He adopted us almost 2 years ago and how we love that kitty. My 11 year old daughter is devastated as am I. Prayers please for his return ... I'm hoping that he's hiding and will return soon.

  85. Prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Oreo.

  86. Our sons pupp was stolen by three boys on jul 21 it has been a 11days already ive passed out and put flyers in local business around neighborhood we miss him terrible please please bring po back to our family.

  87. Diane, a prayer request has been posted. We are praying for little Po's safe return home.

  88. Hi. My cat Lenny got out tonight. I tracked him under my house and cornered him there, but he got out and now I can't find him. I have put out food and items that smell like me, but he is extremely skittish and it's dark now and I am very worried about and scared for him. Please help me bring him back safely.


  89. Kate, a prayer request has been posted. We are praying.

  90. Esther,

    Lenny is home. :) Thank you so so so so SO much for the prayers.


  91. Please pray for my lost shih tzu,baby she is the most important thing that happened to me.We were moving to another house and she got out we didnt notice till later.shes been lost since march i know it seems a long time but it seems like i was with her yesterday but the worst thing about it is that she didnt have her collar on and we passed out flyers and hung up posters everyday i wonder where shes at and whos shes with and i pray everyday for a miracle and to see her someday as a family again thanx for caring abt peoples pets it means alot and i trust god to make things better i miss her so much please help her come bak home safely thanks

  92. Amber, prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Baby.

  93. my mini doxie got out of the house on the 14th of this month. i made flyers and have been asking everyone if they have him. his name is preston. and i miss him dearly. im praying for him to have safe returrn home where he belongs. thank u all for your prayers.

  94. Prayer request posted. We are praying Michelle.

  95. I lost my dog sugar last thursday. We have made flyers already but she hasnt returned yet.She is old and is not good in directions. Pls help me pray for her.

  96. Prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Sugar's safe return home.

  97. My brave little Lily went missing over a month ago (7/12/12, 3am). She is a sweet 8 month old kitten and protector of her brother and also of me. The night before she disappeared, I dreamt about how special she is and woke up in a state of pure joy. It is the only time I have every woke myself up because I felt so happy. Please help my prayers be heard:
    -That she returns home to us and I get another chance to treasure and protect her; If that is not possible,
    -I plead for mercy in the form of closure, and for guidance in knowing how to mend her brother's heart.

  98. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Lily's safe return home.

  99. Please help me pray for my cat Pogi. He's been missing since aug 20. I hope that he's safe right now wherever he is. I pray that no one took him away. I really hope that he's just hiding somewhere. I've already posted fliers around the subdivision. I just hope that someone with a kind heart return him to us. Please pray for my cat. We miss him so much. Im begging all the saints especially st. anthony to help him return home. Keep him away from bad people ;(

  100. Gelane, prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Pogi's safe return home.

  101. Please help me pray for my little Jack Russell terrier Millie who went missing today. I know someone has her as they initially rang dog control and then, for some reason, failed to show with her. Please pray with me that she is safe, warm, well fed and that she returns to me as soon as possible.

  102. Prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Millie's safe return home.

  103. Please pray for the safe return of a 4 year old female Pekingnese named Sweet Pea.

  104. PLEASE help me pray for my lost dog to find him and get him back safe God I have faith your going to bring him back home please god hear me out &forgive all my sins god have mercy I want my bestfriend /other half back PLEASE GOD.

  105. Prayer request has been posted. We are praying that your dog is found safe and sound.

  106. Please pray for the three adorable, abandoned kittens I fed three days ago. I left them with food and water hoping their mother would return before I did today. When I arrived, they were gone. I hope and pray that The Lord is with them, no harm has come to them, and that they are with their mother or someone else that found them as special as I did. Thank you

  107. Please help me pray for three adorable, abandoned kittens that I fed three days ago. I decided to leave them with food and water in hope that their mother would return.My father said he tried to feed them two days ago and they were nowhere in sight. I returned today in hope of bringing them home, but they were gone. I hope and pray they are safe, unharmed and with someone that loved them as much as I did.

  108. Please pray that St. Anthony will find the little dog Bruno that Chantal was taking care of at her business for the weekend. He was really lonesome for his owner and got out of his collar. Please Lord, let him be ok and that Chantal will find him. Thank you for what you are going to do about this. Jesus, we trust in you!

  109. Please pray that St. Anthony will find the little dog Bruno that Chantal was taking care of at her business for the weekend. He was really lonesome for his owner and got out of his collar. Please Lord, let him be ok and that Chantal will find him. Thank you for what you are going to do about this. Jesus, we trust in you!

  110. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Bruno's safe return home.

  111. My Dog, a small Yorkie by the name of Toto, has gone missing Saturday 9/22/12.

    He doesn't run off but does wonder to the edge of the property where motorist and cyclist have tried to pick him up in the past, perhaps thinking he's lost. That morning I let him out and he didn't come back.

    He's small about 10 lbs, 8 years old, and very well behaved. He loves to get into bags of any kind, he's a "traveler" with me so as soon as he hears a bag or a zipper he gets excited. We really miss him and want him back desperately- Please pray for his safe return quickly.

    Thank you!

  112. Ana, prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Toto's safe return home.

  113. i lost my cat Foxy who got out of my house 5 days ago and am just sick about it-i've looked everywhere for her-posted flyers,ran ads,alerted neighbors, etc
    please pray that Foxy my cat returns home-she's my baby!!

  114. Charmaine, your prayer request was posted. We are praying for Foxy's safe return home.

  115. I posted before but didn't see it so I am trying again. Our family cat Jewels is missing she is black, 7 months old and kinda friendly. she is an outdoor cat that wanders out every once and a while but always comes back after a day never have been gone for more than one day. Please she is so very missed and would be really thankful for your prayers to bring her home.

  116. Sorry, I did not receive your message earlier. But I did post a prayer request for Jewel and we are praying for her safe return home. God bless.

  117. I am asking for prayers for my friend's dog Gia. She has been missing for 3 days now. He has been putting flyers all around town. Please pray that someone finds her or she returns on her own. We are all so worried since we haven't heard from anyone in the past two days and it's getting cold out. Thank you for your prayers!

  118. Prayer request posted. We are praying for Gia.

  119. Please pray for the return of our cat, Mooch. He has been missing for almost a week now and we miss him so much. He is gray with beautiful green eyes. We pray that he will come home, and that no harm has come to him.
    Thank you

  120. Prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Mooch's safe return home.

  121. My cat Max went missing this morning. Now that the storm from hurricane Sandy is gathering we are sick with worry that we will lose our beloved pet. Please pray for his safe return

  122. Prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Max's safe return home.

  123. Please help us pray for our beloved cat Noel. She is the light and love of our life and an angel on this Earth. She has been missing since Sept 26th when she disappeared from our cabin in the mountains of Utah. She is a beautiful black and white tuxedo cat that is an important part of our family and we have missed her greatly. I will not lose faith that she is still alive and well but we need her to come home soon before winter arrives. We have prayed to St. Anthony and St. Francis in the Lord's name. Please help us send her love and protection and to bring her home quickly. Thank you for your prayers.

  124. Beatrice, prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Noel's safe return home.

  125. My mom's cat Annie has gone missing since Hurricane Sandy hit NJ. She's been missing for over a week now. Please pray for her to find her way back to my mom safe and sound. Thanks.

  126. Christina, we have been praying for all the animals suffering because of Hurricane Sandy. I will be posting your prayer request in a few minutes. We are praying for Annie's safe return home.

  127. Lil ray please pray for his return we miss alot need home so we can get better so Lil ray give us strengthen to contue to be happy in life but we are trying to be strange for Lil kitty Olivia but once a while we cry for Lil ray because we miss him even he is a cat we treat him as our son because for us he is our son

  128. Our cat Mae has not eaten in about a week. We have taken her to the vet and have almost reached our limit in funds that we can spend on this. She is staying over night and being given medicine and other fluids. We are hoping that we can bring her home and nurse her back to health. We understand that it may be her time but are willing to do whatever we can to secure a few more healthy years. Any help in prayer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all very much : )

    1. First of all thank you all again! Our Mae is home and has begun eating and although we are not out of the woods yet we have been allowed hope! Right now that's all we can wish for : )

  129. I'm praying for the return of my pet Lil ray he got lost at North Hollywood please come home Lil ray we need him but we are try to be Strang our Lil kitty Olivia here there we cry for him because we love him miss and he our son even he is a cat because for us he our son always will be until we die come back home Lil ray we love you and always love you your mommy Daddy Maria,Anthony we miss you alot your sister Olivia is waiting to meet you.

  130. Maria, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Lil ray's safe return home.

    James, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Mae.

  131. That is good news James. We continue to pray for Mae.

  132. "Marley" my sweet, beloved little black cat, with a white fur "heart" on his belly, has been missing since the night before Thanksgiving (6 days now). He is declawed and defenseless. Not to mention it is freezing outside. I am worried sick for my kitty. I had a dream last night and my deceased Grandmother was cooking in my kitchen. I looked out my front window and up the driveway in the snow came my Marley. But it was just that...a dream. Or perhaps my Grandmother is watching over him from heaven.

  133. Your prayer request has been posted, Teresa. We are praying.

  134. It has been four long days and nights since our sweet pup BaileighJo became missing from our yard. She was secure on her line for not longer than five minutes, and poof she was gone. We have been searching daily, over 600 posters placed in shops, churches, and mailboxes.

    "Jozie" is my daughter's pet. Earlier this month she had to accept the loss of her 20 year old companion cat SugarPlum. But now it is only a few weeks since she had to say goodbye to "SugSugs" and Jozie has vanished. Not one person has called with even so much as a sighting.

    I have been praying through out the days through tears to God the Father, Mother Mary pleading as a mother to a mother, St Francis of Assissi to keep her safe from harm, and St Anthony for baileighJo to find her way to us and for us to find our way to her.

    Please help us pray to St Anthony for the safe finding of BaileighJo by us for our daughter Annelore. May he find this too much for Annelore to bear, and grant her the answer to our prayers.

  135. An urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for BaileighJo to be found safe and sound and for your family.

  136. Our cats Kallie, Max, Jasmine and Bronc disappeared. Well we can't find them, they could be sick, hurt, hunger or even worse dead. I don't know where they are but my family and I really miss them. we would really love all your prays whether they are to bring them home or for them to RIP. I really need closer so I don't cry everytime I see their pictures.

  137. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for the safe return of your cats.

  138. My daughter lost her Cat December 6,2012. In Wyandotte, Michigan. His name is Jeezy. He is black with bright green eyes and a brown dot on the left eye.
    My daughter Loves him so much and cries every day.
    He is sick and needs his medicine.
    We have searched everywhere, knocked on doors in a four block radius of her entire block, posted and handed out 500 fliers and offered a 300 reward.
    Please pray that he is safe, well and comes home soon.

  139. Chantal, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Jeezy's safe return home.

  140. My 4 1/2 year old in door only cat, Jerry, got out on our first night in our new apt. She is greatly missed. Please pray that she will find her way home back to me. It has been over a month since she was last seen. Please tell her not to worry about any more trees falling on our new house. Our new house is made of concrete and will be able to with stand a tree falling. I miss her so much and I am worried about her safety from fox and I hope she is eating. I love her so.

  141. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Jerry's safe return home.

  142. 7 month old siamese indoor cat.. accidentaly got out of the house and now we cant find him anywhere...pls pls pray for his return :( His name is Ngus...pls pray that he'll come back to us thank you so much...

  143. Our 8 month old siamese got out of the house and we cant find him anywhere..please,please pray for Ngus'(his) safe and immediate return to our family..please...thank you.

  144. Our 8 month old Siamese cat got out of the house and now we can find him anywhere..please help us pray for his safe and immediate return his name is Ngus...please,please,thank you and God Bless

  145. Reiko, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Ngus' safe return home.

  146. My kitty Aimee got out of the house when my husband accidently left the door open on Saturday. As of today, Wednesday, she has not returned home. We found her collar in a neighbor's yard. I ask for prayers that Aimee will return home safe & sound as soon as possible. We miss her so much. Thank you all for helping, and God bless.

  147. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Aimee's safe return home.

  148. Our cat Leroy went missing on Christmas Eve - we miss him so much. Please pray for his safe return. St Anthony you brought him back before.
    Many thanks

  149. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Leroy's safe return home.

  150. Our Ragdoll Blu is missing just now. She got out of the house through an open window. She is an indoor cat and is not used to being outside. Please help us. I pray to St Anthony to please bring Blu home safe and sound.

    Thank you.

  151. Prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Ragdoll Blu's safe return home.

  152. I'm praying for the safe return of my dog that got out of the house. May Mischa be brought home safely.

  153. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Mischa's safe return home.

  154. hi! i would like to ask for your help.
    my dog spikey, 10mos. male yorkshire terrier was dog-napped yesterday. i cant find any reason why someone would steal someones dog.

    please help me pray that I may recover him, that I can find him.

    please help me pray so Spikey will be ok wherever he is. praying that whoever has him are taking good care of him.

    i know he feels so scared right now.

    please help me pray for enlightenment so ill know what to do and where to look for.

    please please.... i am so desperate.

    spike is the only one I have right now. he has been a source of strength. please i beg you all.... help me ask Gods help. please - michelle tesalona

  155. Michelle, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Spikey to be found and returned to you safe and sound.

  156. Michelle, here is the link. Comments there too.

  157. I asked you to prayer to St Anthony for Leroy our missing cat on 26th Dec. 2012. Well St Anthony answered our prayers - again. Leroy arrived home safe and well on Sat 12th Jan after 3 weeks. We don't know what happened to him but he made his way back home. We are so happy. Thank you so much to all the Saints involved!Praying does work!

  158. Oh, what wonderful news! I will let the others know Leory was found. Mahalo for letting us know. God bless.

  159. One of our cats missing has been found. Jasmine the sweet calico. I want to thanks everyone for your prays and I want to ask that you continue to pray for the 3 others missing and everyone elses loved animals.

  160. spikey's home! many thanks to all my friends and family who prayed with me. who never gave up and who believed that with GOD nothing is impossible. I want to share this Novena to everyone, praying that this can also help them with whatever trials they are going through. Pray with your heart and believe that GOD is listening and HE will always say YES to your prayers. To GOD be the glory! Again, thanks for the Love everyone. Goodnight! — michelle tesalona

  161. Wonderful news Michelle! God bless.

  162. [IMG][/IMG]This is Jasmine-found!

  163. My cat lucky but my kids call her mommy cat is 11/2 missing for a day now i prayed to st. Anthony. Looked around the neighborhood for her. I neep help with some prayers please. She is a indoor cat hope she returns safe she is part of our family. Thank you.

  164. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Lucky.

    About Jasmine: Sorry the link doesn't work. But we are very happy for you.

  165. My two stays that I was feeding and taming, one young adult and one kitten, were lost when I had brought them to where I work in another neighborhood less than 5 miles from my house; they got free from the cage when I was adjusting it. I have posted notices almost daily, left food, tried trapping (caught a neighborhood cat but not mine), but have never seen them again. I am beside myself with sadness. I have asked someone to pray for them, and I request a prayer that they find their way back home, safely and on their own.

  166. I just wrote about the two cats. They are orange tabby cats. And I didn't see a place to put my name on the post. Please address comments to: NadineLynn

  167. NadineLynn, your urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for them to be found safe and sound.

  168. Please pray for the return of "Quick", a Chocolate Lab who has been missing for a little over a week. His family is distraugt!
    The whole community is searching for him.
    He got out during a snow storm, there has been some sightings but so far no luck. I am so sad for him and his family.
    St Anthony has never failed me before when I have asked his help. I pray that all of our prayers together, will bring "Quick" safely home. Thank you in advance for all your help.

  169. Agnes, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Quick's safe return home.

  170. Thank you Esther, I appreciate your help. Quick still hasn't been found but I am praying he will be found and return home. I will let you know any new information on him.

  171. Our cat Sugar did not come home as she normally did Saturday evening. I was really worried by the time I did a last check before dawn. I found this blog via a google search and said three of the prayers. I decided to make a final check and when I opened the door onto our deck Sugar came bounding up the steps and into the house. I fed her and could tell she was very hungry. I have no idea why she was gone so many hours. Anyway prayers sure worked for us this time. Have faith everyone.

  172. You know, I am not on the computer on Sundays so I don't have a chance to post prayer requests until Monday. However, as I have often reminded everyone, we pray for ALL the animals in need, especially those who really need our prayers. Mahalo nui loa for taking the time to share your good news! God bless,

  173. our sweet and much loved chocolate and white shihtzu, nemo has gotten out of the house. we have been searching for him for almost a month. we are certain that someone has him. please pray that him makes a safe return home to us. he is like a child to us and we miss him dearly. i am lost without him. he would sleep by my head at night. he is my sweet, little, loving, monkey. help bring our family back together and please pray someone sees our signs or newspaper ads that has seen him and calls us because their neighbor has him. please pray whoever has him finds clarity in doing the right thing and returns him to his family. much love!!

  174. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Nemo's safe return home.

  175. My sweet indoor cat Sawyer snuck outside and has not come back. There are supposed to be bad storms tomorrow. Please help me in praying he will make a safe return home

  176. Prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Sawyer's safe return home.

  177. My Pet Shaggy is now missing since 2 months. My home is in a disaster state and we all are eagerly waiting for his comeback. We have tried searching him since the time he is lost but there has been no trace so far. Our daily prayer to St Anthony are for his return and his safety. Please join us in praying for Shaggy for this return and safety. Collective prayers are answered. Please help us in prayer. He will be completing 2 years on 19th April 2013. We Intend to celebrate his birthday grand on his return. Please pray. We need him. he is a part of our family. We love him dearly.

  178. We are praying for Shaggy. I will post your prayer request a little later.

  179. I want to leave a prayer for my dog pouf. My parents came to visit me for their holidays and left pouf at a friends place, afetr 2 days she ran away. it has already been 1 week and we have got no news of her. please pray for her that we get her back safe and sound. we are so worried for her..thank you..

  180. i wanted to send a prayer for my dog pouf, who went missing since 1 week ago. my parents came to visit me and left her at a friends place and she ran from there. we are so miserable and furthermore she has been with us for the past 12 years and now suddenly she is alone please pray that we find her safe and sound.

  181. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Pouf's safe return home.

  182. I am so glad to have found this beautiful prayer. I am praying for all the pets mentioned above. Our kitty Violet got out yesterday. She's an indoor cat and has been with us for almost a year. We took her in as a feral kitten and she's slowly acclimated to our life and living with humans. We have her mom as well and the two are inseparable. She is hard to catch because she is still super shy. We pray that she is staying close to home and that she eats the food in the trap we have outside. It's our only hope. Her mom misses her as do we.

  183. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Violet's safe return home.

  184. I just wanted to write and thank you so so much - violet found her way home last night! I will continue to pray for all the animals listed above.

  185. How wonderful! I will post the update.

  186. My cat, Cullen, never made it home last night. He is an indoor/outdoor cat, who always comes in around dark for dinner. He is almost four years old, a white and orange, long haired male cat with a very loving, friendly personality. We live in a subdivision near some woods / green space so I am worried about what may be out there. Please help me by praying for his safe return. Thank you.

  187. Missy, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Cullen's safe return home.

  188. Last night bijou somehow got out of the back yard. We called animal control this morning. No dogs picked up. Everyone look around our immediate block for any signs of a hit animal
    No signs ! Thia is good. My Bijou is a sweet Chiquiaua has no bad habits . She has been my baby for 13 yrs. And in good health. At work I had prayed the St. Josph prrayer, The Flower of Carmel. The prayer to St. Anthony for lost things . Everyrhing that I could possibly resight
    I need additional support. Please prayer for her return

  189. Linda, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Bijou's safe return home.

  190. My prayers where heard. Thank everyone for the prayers and the safe return of my Bijou...On Tuesday afternoon I went to the Human Society to see if they received any lost dogs they did get one in. After giving the reception detailed description of her and a photo. She showed me a picture of her. I was told that she was picked up by a woman driving home. Bijou wandered over the other side of town. I plan on sending her a Thank You card for being thoughtful enough to save the life of Bijou. The area she was picked up at is very heavy with traffic and the worst could have happened. Thank You Esther for this blogg and I pray for the save return of everyones loved one.

  191. Linda, I posted your good news! :-)

  192. My blacky went missing yesterday. I can't sleep thinking about my little chubby love. Whether he has eaten, had water. If he's safe. Please me pray that blacky is safe and comes back home soon.

    Thank you all

  193. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Blacky.

  194. Our indoor/outdoor cat, Al, has not come home in 5 days. He has never been gone this long and we are worried sick. He had a urinary blockage a few weeks back and I am worried it happened again and he couldn't get home, or that he is in someone's garage. We have placed flyers and ads and have been checking the shelter. We love him dearly and just want him home safe. Could you please add him to the prayer chain?


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.