Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Prayer Request for Molly the Dog

From George on Facebook:
Please pray for Molly. Our 13 year old Golden. She is finding it difficult to get up and walk. I pray she doesn't suffer and feel any pain. She has brought us so much happiness. God bless. †


Anonymous said...

For precious Molly, St. Jude, Blessed Francis Seelos, and St. Roch, please take Molly into your healing embrace. Ease her stiffness and pain and may her veterinarian perhaps be able to offer something to help in these golden years. May all the happiness Molly has brought to her family return to her one-hundred fold and have much more precious time together. A hug to Molly!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please hold a much loved golden retriever Molly close in your comforting arms, ease any pain she might be having and strengthen her; thank You.

Thoughts and prayers are with you, George and Molly.