Monday, June 25, 2012

Prayer Request for Missing Kitten

From Juliette:  Would you please pray for the safe return of our little kitten. She was frightened by a dog and has been missing for nearly two days, she is very young and we are really worried about her. she has already had a sad start by being separated from her mother too young. Please pray for her safe return to us. Thank you


Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, please watch over this much loved and missed little kitten; keep her safe and well and guide this kitten home to Juliette; thank You.

Anonymous said...

For Juliette's kitten - St. Anthony and St. Gertrude, St. Jude, and St. Francis, please watch over and protect this dear little kitten, and please intercede as you so specially do in guiding the kitten home to Juliette. Many prayers are with you Juliette.