Thursday, June 7, 2012

Prayer Request for Daisy the Cat

From Amber on Facebook: 
Please pray for my cat, Daisy, who earlier this year underwent a mastectomy. I found another lump last week and over the weekend her breathing became rapid... she has since been in the ICU where they have been draining fluid from her chest cavity that may be a result of a tumor on the lungs. We are getting test results in an hour and I am asking for prayers.


kristina said...

Praying for sweet Daisy and for her devoted guardian. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Jude, St. Gertrude, St. Martin, and St. Francis, please please take sweet Daisy into your healing embrace. Comfort and heal her and see her through this difficult time that she may return home to be in Amber's loving arms again.
God Bless and keep you, Amber. Prayers are certainly on the way for your Daisy.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, watch over so very much loved Daisy. Keep her safe and return her to wellness please. Give Daisy strength that she may overcome her latest battle which is fluid in her chest cavity. Please guide and direct the veterinarians that are caring for Daisey; thank You.

Thoughts and prayers are with you Amber and Daisey.