Saturday, September 10, 2011

Update on Tiller the Dog

From Jeff:
I just came back from taking Tiller to a vet - a new vet. The old vet didn't contact the oncologist, and so Tiller got misdiagnosed. She's an old girl, and it's going to take a lot for her to live another year. But the new vet didn't have any trouble figuring out the problem, and the oncologist said the same thing. I really thought she was going down but now things look very positive for the short term anyway.

We're very grateful to be part of the good news category this time. I most sincerely thank everybody who commented on Tiller and said a prayer for her. I will visit the board to see who needs help from time to time and to say my prayer for your pets. The idea that we may see them again in a better place is very empowering to me.

Yours with many thanks


  1. For Jeff and Tiller - wonderful news, Jeff. God Bless you and Tiller!!!
    Your Tiller may be an "old girl", Jeff, but she still appears to have so much spirit in those beautiful eyes. Make each day count and enjoy every moment.
    And I hope you'll give Tiller a big hug for me.
    Esther's site is so very special, and I hope you'll stay with us, too.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.