Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sad News - Cashy the Dog

From Danielle:
We had to put Cashy down today. The cancer began to affect his colon and lungs. He could not breathe. We are going through an unbelievably rough time. We miss our baby and live him with our whole souls. Thank you for everything you've done Esther.
-Danielle, Max, and Family
Please keep Danielle and her family in your prayers.


  1. For Danielle, Max, and Family:
    Sending you hugs and continued prayers at this most difficult time. I am so very sorry for this sad earthly goodbye to Cashy. God Bless Cashy and each of you for all you did for him.
    May Cashy know every joy of Heaven. You can be sure the angels carried him Home, it's just so very difficult for us down here.
    My deepest condolences . . .

  2. Hi,
    My friend's dog just disappear yest. Odie is only 6 months.He is a jack Russell. She suspected someone stole him from her house.Not so sure. Please pray for Odie's safe return. God Bless you all . Thanks.


  3. Hi, My friend's dog has just gone missing yesterday. She suspected someone stole it from the gate. It's very depressing for her n her family. Wonder why people are so cruel. Pls pray for Odie's safe return. Thanks and God Bless you all.


  4. Christine, I sent you an email letting you know a prayer request has been posted. We are praying.

  5. Especially thinking of you, Danielle and Max, hugs and prayers at this most difficult time.
    I know that Cashy will remain with you in his own special way . . . . He knew how so much you loved him and he will stay with you.

  6. Thoughts and prayers for comfort to you Danielle and your family. Sorry to hear your news about Cashy...


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.