Monday, September 12, 2011

Prayer Request for Odie the Dog

From Christine:
I stumbled upon your blog through yahoo when I keyed in prayers for lost pets. Yesterday, my friend and her family went though very difficult times when their pet dog Odie disappeared from home. According to her dad, Odie's been dog napped from the gate. I wonder how the person actually can do it as the gate was locked. It's very sad as Odie is only a 6 months Jack Russell. I really do hope everyone can pray for a miracle for Odie's safe return. Let's pray for him. Thanks and May God Bless you and everyone who has helped to pray.


  1. For Christine - be sure to know am keeping your friend's family and dear Odie in my many prayers.
    St. Jude and St. Anthony, please intercede as only you can, please help Odie be rightfully returned to his proper home and family. Watch over Odie and protect him and please bring his safe return.
    So glad, Christine, that you discovered Esther's very special site here.

  2. thanks so much for your prayer! :) im so touched. i am praying to st Anthony too. Had an experience when i prayed for my lost item 2 yrs ago and a month later it appeared.That was really a miracle. God Bless you! :). Love, Christine

  3. Be assured of the many prayers continuing for your beloved Odie. I can't imagine how sad, hurt, and confused his family must be. St. Anthony, please hear our prayers, thank you.

  4. thank you and really appreciate your comments and prayers.. i'm praying for Odie every day too :)

  5. Hi Kristine - be assured of the continued prayer vigil for dear Odie. I've seen many prayers answered, I truly have.
    I wondered if there is some sort of protective system in place that veterinary offices, shelters, etc., could be alerted about Odie ??
    I've also posted Odie's name to a St. Anthony prayer request website. It breaks my heart to think that someone could do this and I keep thinking of you all, and praying! God Bless Odie!

  6. Lou Ann,
    God bless you and thanks for your prayers for Odie. He's still a baby and really needs someone who can take care of him. I pray that St. Anthony will show us some light where we can locate him. Yes, I posted a lost dog poster at the SPCA website. :)



Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.