Monday, September 12, 2011

Another Update and Prayer Request for Tiller the Dog

From Jeff:
If you didn't post the "good news" about Tiller...she's still having a few problems. Blood in her stool...she is now taking prednisone, I'm sure everybody knows that with that drug sometimes you get a miracle and sometimes not. I guess it's normal when you were that sick and pretty close to passing out, as she was.


  1. For Jeff and Tiller - please know the prayers continue for both Tiller, and for you. Blessed Seelos, St. Francis, St. Jude, and St. Anthony, please allow Tiller to feel your healing comforting presence and all the angels keeping watch over her, and be with Jeff also during these difficult hours.
    God Bless you both.

  2. Prayers and thoughts of comfort and healing
    continue to be sent your way, Jeff and Tiller...

  3. Thinking of you, Tiller, and sending you many hugs and kisses. May you feel the comforting healing presence of St. Francis near you.
    Jeff, be assured many prayers continue for you and Tiller.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.